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- Bäume, Bienen, Spatzen... nach den Kühen... (Trees, bees, sparrows, after the cattle)
- Birds and Power Line EMFs, 2005
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- Publikationen zur Bienenstudie der Universität Landau
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- Pszczoly - Bayer CropScience Syndrom czy Syndrom mikrofalowy ?
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- Animal deaths near cell phone relay tower
- Birds harmed by electro magnetic radiation, Alfonso Balmori and Örjan Hallberg
- A Possible Effect of Electromagnetic Radiation from Mobile Phone Base Stations on the Number of Breeding House Sparrows (Passer domesticus)Joris Everaert and Dirk Bauwens
- Infrasonic and microwave hearing in six avian species, Birdstrike Committee USA .doc, 21,3 KB
- Birds Harmed by Radio-Frequency Radiation, .doc, 31,7 KB
- Tens of million birds disappearing across North America: video, exCBC video story about song birds vanishing
- Rettet die Spatzen, verlogene Kampagne gestartet
- Studies on the Effects of Radio-Frequency Fields on Conifers 1999 (A. Lerchl et al. University of Wuppertal)
- Melanoma Incidence and Frequency Modulation (FM) Broadcasting; Cancer trends; Cancer mortality
- Experimente mit Hühnerembryonen von A. Varga
- Rinderstudie
- C. Harte, Mutationsauslösung durch Ultrakurzwellen
- C. Harte, Auslösung von Chromosomenmutationen durch Meterwellen
- Polen, die Flugzeug-Tragödie von Smolensk, waren eingeschaltete Handys Schuld?