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  8. Hamburg, Reeperbahn-Edelbäume durch den Mobilfunk totbestrahlt.
  9. Pszczoly - Bayer CropScience Syndrom czy Syndrom mikrofalowy ?
  1. Scientists opinion about EMR and bees dying
  2. Animal deaths near cell phone relay tower
  3. Birds harmed by electro magnetic radiation, Alfonso Balmori and Örjan Hallberg
  4. A Possible Effect of Electromagnetic Radiation from Mobile Phone Base Stations on the Number of Breeding House Sparrows (Passer domesticus)Joris Everaert and Dirk Bauwens
  5. Infrasonic and microwave hearing in six avian species, Birdstrike Committee USA .doc, 21,3 KB
  6. Birds Harmed by Radio-Frequency Radiation, .doc, 31,7 KB
  7. Tens of million birds disappearing across North America: video, exCBC video story about song birds vanishing
  8. Rettet die Spatzen, verlogene Kampagne gestartet
  9. Studies on the Effects of Radio-Frequency Fields on Conifers 1999 (A. Lerchl et al. University of Wuppertal)
  10. Melanoma Incidence and Frequency Modulation (FM) Broadcasting; Cancer trends; Cancer mortality
  11. Experimente mit Hühnerembryonen von A. Varga
  12. Rinderstudie
  13. C. Harte, Mutationsauslösung durch Ultrakurzwellen
  14. C. Harte, Auslösung von Chromosomenmutationen durch Meterwellen
  15. Polen, die Flugzeug-Tragödie von Smolensk, waren eingeschaltete Handys Schuld?