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Schule Archiv1 | Schule Archiv2 | The Wi-Fi Main Page | suchen | alte Verzeichnise zum Mobilfunk in der Schule |
![]() 1. Bilden Sie in den Schulen, Kindergärten, Cafes Handyfreiezonen. 2. Klären Sie Kinder auf: wichtige Menschen sind schwer erreichbar ! 3. Kinder sollen draußen telefonieren um andere Kinder mit der gepulsten Handy-Energie nicht zu belasten ! 4. Kindern keine Handys in die Hand zu geben | ||||||
![]() London, Aug 30 2010 ![]() Shes now insisting that whenever she makes a call, one of her team member dials the number for her and holds it till the call gets connected. She then listens to her calls on the speaker phone. See full article at RealBollywood.com | ||||||
![]() Sunday September 5, 2010 A Review of the Potential Health Risks of Radiofrequency Fields from Wireless Telecommunication Devices An Expert Panel Report prepared at the request of the Royal Society of Canada for Health Canada, March 1999 .pdf, 579 KB Illness Cluster at Mountain View School, May 26, 2010 .doc, 60 KB Does your school have wireless internet access? If so, have you or other parents you know ever worried about the health effects of Wi-Fi on children? According to recent news reports, some parents in Ontario, Canada are blaming Wi-Fi in schools for causing symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, rashes, sleep and behavioral changes, and racing heartbeats in their children. According to the parents, these adverse symptoms are showing up in their children during the school week but disappear during weekends, when they are not in school. Many schools in the U.S., have already implemented wireless internet service, and some districts are even beginning to install Wi-Fi in school buses. Meanwhile, critics of Wi-Fi in schools point to research that suggests radiation such as that from Wi-Fi causes negative negative health effects, and may be particularly harmful to children. There is compelling research out there: Susan Clarke, a former research consultant to the Harvard School of Public Health, has been researching the effects of wireless technology for years. According to Clarke, "Radiation from Wi-Fi deploys the same frequency as that used by the microwave oven. It maximizes the absorption in living tissues, especially those approximately the size of a child's head. The thinness of children's skulls adds to their absorbed radiation. Physiologic effects of such radiation are consistently documented in the scientific literature, with neuroendocrine effects produced in the immediate and short-term, cardiac effects produced in the short- to medium-term, and cancers in the long-term." Scary stuff. Those who support Wi-Fi in schools, on the other hand, assert that they do not believe that there is "convincing scientific evidence" that Wi-Fi in schools poses a danger to children, and point out that other technology, such as cell phones and cordless telephones, also use wireless technology. They also note that the level of radiation exposure from Wi-Fi is much less than the levels from using TVs or FM radios. (Clarke argues that Wi-Fi is different than FM radio and TV. "Unlike wireless device-based infrastructures, FM and TV are considered one-way transmissions, broadcasting from a tower as they do," says Clarke. "By contrast, cell and cordless phones and Wi-Fi all broadcast from the device as well, two-way. Such device antenna broadcast, in addition to their pulse-modulated cm-microwave radiation, are why the latter are even more hazardous than FM and TV radiation. FM and TV infrastructures are well established in the scientific literature to produce adverse health effects.") Frankly, I think we need more research to show a definitive link between wireless technology and negative health symptoms in children. But that doesn't mean that we should dismiss or discount the reports from parents who say that their children are negatively affected by Wi-Fi. After all, couldn't these children just be more sensitive to something that's affecting all kids, much like canaries in coalmines? It should also be noted that this technology is fairly new (we didn't have widespread use of cell phones thirty years ago, for instance). So whatever long-term negative health effects may be caused by children being exposed to this technology is impossible to measure just yet. In the meantime, I'm keeping my eyes peeled for any info about wireless tech and the effect on children. My son's school has it, and we have it in our home. And like most homes in the U.S., we have a cordless telephone. In fact, I'm considering making changes, even before definitive studies appear, just to be on the safe side. I love the convenience of technology, but it isn't worth taking even a small chance when it comes to my child's health. more | ||||||
![]() 13. Mai 2010 11:08 French Youth Appeal - (ex Français, English, .pdf, 89,5 KB or Deutsch, .pdf, 102,6 KB) We have just translated a french youth appeal (English and German), that could be interesting for you? It points out the connection between chemical poison, crappy food, Electrosmog and resulting illnesses such as cancer. microondes.wordpress.com/2010/05/13/f (The PDF (French, English, German) can be downloaded from the above link) Best regards Michael Heiming ![]() - zu sehen, wie rund um uns unsere Eltern, unsere Bekannten und immer mehr auch unsere Klassenkameraden an Krebs erkranken; - zu sehen, wie immer mehr jungen Leute Mühe haben, Kinder zu zeugen; - zu sehen, wie sich Allergien, Asthma, Diabetes, Fettleibigkeit und die dadurch entstehenden Krankheiten die zu Invalidität führen, entwickeln; - Produkte zu konsumieren, die die ganze Welt durchqueren, und dabei die Bevölkerungen und die Umwelt vergiften, und vor allem die Bevölkerungen der südlichen Ländern ausplündern; - den Diskurs zu hören der uns glauben machen will, das dies alles Verhängnis sei bzw. der individuellen Verantwortung unterliegt. Wir betrachten diese Tatsache als nicht normal ! - weil die flächendeckende chemische Umweltverschmutzung unsere Organismen und die der Kinder verseucht; - weil die überall vorhandene Werbung uns zu Verbrauchern von Wegwerfgütern macht, zum ungesunden Essen verführt und zu fresssüchtigen Verbrauchern macht; - weil die neuen Technologien wie der Mobilfunk, die GMO oder die Nanotechnologie ohne vorhergehende seriöse Evaluation entwickelt wurden - weil wir nicht denken, dass unsere Generation und die kommenden Generationen gesund sein können auf einem kranken Planeten. Wir lancieren diesen Jugendappell, damit die Verbindung zwischen der Gesundheit und der Umwelt in den Mittelpunkt der politischen Entscheidungen rückt. Wir sind uns bewusst, dass die Zukunft unserer Gesellschaften in den Händen deren, die die politischen Entscheidungen treffen, sowie aller Bürger liegt. Wir denken, dass in uns allen ein Teil der Antwort auf die noch nie dagewesenen Herausforderungen vor der sich heute die Menschheit befindet, steckt. Wir haben Vertrauen in die Gesellschaft,in ihre Werte, in ihre Vorstellungskraft, in ihre Intelligenz, in ihre Fähigkeit sich massiv zu mobilisieren und in einer determinierten Weise, um eine schöne Zukunft zu bauen, ihr Weiterleben und ihre Entfaltung zu sichern. Wir denken, dass die Jugend eine wichtige Rolle spielen muss, um neue Lebens- und Konsummodelle zu finden, die die eigene Gesundheit sowie die der Gesellschaft und der Ökosysteme respektieren. Quelle: .appeldelajeunesse.org/ Übersetzung: Sibylle Gabriel EN ![]() - to see how around us, our parents, our friends and more and more of our classmates suffer from cancer; - to see how more and more young people are struggling to become parents; - to see how allergies, asthma, diabetes, obesity and the resulting diseases develop, leading to disability; - to consume products that are shipped around the whole world, and thereby poison the people and the environment, and rifle in particular the populations of southern countries; - to hear the discourse that wants us to believe that this is all destiny and subject of individual responsibility. We do not regard this facts as normal! - because of the widespread chemical pollution infecting our bodies and our children; - because the ubiquitous advertising seduces us with disposable goods and unhealthy food, converting us into addicted consumers; - because new technologies such as mobile phones, GMO and nanotechnology were developed without prior serious evaluation; - because we do not think that our generation and future generations can be healthy on a sick planet. We launch this youth appeal, so the connection between health and the environment gets in the heart of political decisions. We are aware that the future of our societies is in the hands of who makes the political decisions, and all citizen. We think that part of the answers to the unprecedented challenges of today to the human race, is inside anyone. We have confidence in the society and its values, their imagination, their intelligence, their ability to mobilize massively to build in a determined manner a beautiful future, to ensure survival and development. We think that the youth must play an important role to find new life and consumption models that respect their health and also society and ecosystems. Source: appeldelajeunesse.org/ Translation: Michael Heiming | ||||||
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von links: Protest | Weg mit dem Mast | Protest, wir protestieren den Mast wollen wir nicht haben | Wir bitte stellt uns diese Schweinerei, diesen schrecklichen Masten nicht auf | wir protestieren weil wir leben wollen unten von links: die Wahlen kommen, die Abgeordneten Masten für Krebs aufstellen | Ihr stellt die Masten auf aber die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen kennt ihr nicht | wir Kinder aus Poreba verlangen Baustop für den Todesmasten | ||||||
![]() Mobile phones and young brains ![]() Louise Hall Health Reporter January 27, 2008 AUSTRALIAN scientists are investigating if children are more vulnerable than adults to the effects of radiation from mobile phones. A study of 110 adults at the Australian Centre for Radiofrequency Bioeffects Research, partly funded by the Federal Government, confirmed mobile phones cause a change in brain function by altering brainwaves known as alpha waves. The centre, at Melbourne's Swinburne University of Technology, is now investigating the effect on 40 children aged 12 to 13, and 20 people aged 55 to 75 years. Associate Professor Rodney Croft, from the centre, said while studies had been conducted on adults, the effect on children had, until now, remained untested. "Although there's a tiny effect on healthy young adults, there is a possibility that it could be much stronger in children or the elderly," Professor Rodney Croft said. There was no indication from the adult tests if the effect on health was positive or negative. Scientists worldwide agree there is no evidence linking electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobile phones to adverse health effects, but claims that frequent use can cause headaches, nausea, problems with concentration, cancer and brain tumours still persist. The new Australian study comes as France's health ministry warned parents to prevent children using mobiles when reception is poor or during high-speed travel. Authorities in France advised limiting the use of mobiles overall. Last week the National Research Council of US called for more studies into the possible health hazards of wireless devices and base stations on children, unborn babies and pregnant women. Researchers fear children may be more vulnerable because the exposure dose received by a child's brain is higher than an adult's and their nervous system is still developing. With one in four Australians aged six to 13 now having a mobile phone, children will also be exposed to radiation for longer than their parents. A British study noted many cancers take 10 to 15 years to appear, and most testing so far had included few participants who had used mobile phones for longer than a decade. Professor Croft said Australian studies using unborn or newborn mice had failed to find significant changes in growth rate, brain function and behavioural development. The professor of public health at the University of Sydney, Bruce Armstrong, said the French decision against excessive use by children was prudent. "We don't know that use of mobile phones causes harm to children but we don't know with certainty that it is safe in all circumstances," he said. A spokesman for federal Health Minister Nicola Roxon said: "We have no plans to restrict usage at this point. Of course we monitor any developments in medical research as a matter of course." lhall@sunherald.com.au Hung up: the concerns - Australian scientists are investigating the effect of mobile phones on children aged 12 to 13 and people aged between 55 and 75. - The French Government has warned against children using mobiles when reception is poor, or during fast travel. - US researchers fear children may be more vulnerable to wireless devices as their nervous system is still developing. | ||||||
![]() auf iddd.de 29.01.08 03.01.2008 Frankreich: Gesundheitsministerium warnt vor häufiger Handy-Nutzung "Spezielle Endgeräte für Kinder besorgniserregend" Das französische Gesundheitsministerium hat vor einer zu häufigen Handy-Nutzung gewarnt. Vor allem Kinder sollten Mobiltelefone nur eingeschränkt verwenden. Die Verfügbarkeit von Geräten, die speziell für jüngere Nutzer entwickelt wurden, sei besorgniserregend, da diese Zielgruppe besonders anfällig für mögliche Gesundheitsrisiken sei, so eine gestern veröffentlichte Stellungnahme des Ministeriums für Gesundheit, Jugend und Sport. "Da ein Risiko nicht eindeutig ausgeschlossen werden kann, ist Vorsicht gerechtfertigt", heißt es in dem Papier. Handys sollten daher bei schlechtem Empfang und während der Fahrt nicht genutzt werden. Eine Freisprecheinrichtung ermöglicht es, dass sich die Strahlungsquelle während des Telefonats nicht in der Nähe besonders sensibler Körperbereiche wie dem Gehirn befindet, so die Empfehlung des Ministeriums. Michele Froment-Vedrine, Chef des halbstaatlichen Instituts AFSSET (Agence Francaise de Securite Sanitaire de L'Environnement et du Travel), forderte Eltern deshalb sogar auf, ihren Kindern keine Handys in die Hand zu geben. "Solange sie nicht fähig sind, die Nutzung des Telefons selbst einzuschränken, sollten Eltern ihnen kein solches Gerät kaufen", sagte er. de.internet.com | ||||||
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Grössere Formate: Der Mobilfunk taktet den Menschen; als pdf. 3,5 MB, als jpg bitte hier, oder auf das Bild klicken | ||||||
![]() B.C. Cancer Agency will study a cluster of cancer diagnoses see also from Canada Robert Dziekanski died after police subdued him with Taser at Vancouver airport 11.1.08 Info from "Iris Atzmon" <atzmonh@bezeqint.net> Maria Rantanen, Maple Ridge Times Published: Tuesday, January 08, 2008 | ||||||
MAPLE RIDGE - The B.C. Cancer Agency will study a cluster of cancer diagnoses -- 10 teachers over several years -- at Riverside elementary in the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows school district. "We think that's a fairly high number compared to the general population," said district teachers' union president Drusilla Wilson. The school board's occupational health and safety officer, Judy Dueck, said a "whole bunch of variables" need to be looked at to determine whether this is a cancer cluster or just a coincidence. "We're prepared to carry through because the anxiety levels are high," Dueck said. The study will be led by the B.C. Cancer Agency, and Dueck is starting to collect data for it, starting with a staff survey at Riverside. The latest cancer victim from Riverside died on Jan. 2 of brain cancer. However, all her colleagues who have been diagnosed have recovered. The cancer types have ranged from breast cancer, throat and larynx cancer, to leukemia, according to Wilson | ||||||
![]() see also from Canada Robert Dziekanski's violent death at Vancouver airport 11.1.08 Info from "Martin Weatherall" <weather@golden.net> Please take time to view the video linked below. Martin youtube.com/watch?v=fRXe1DeDvhk STORY canada.com/ Former Riverside student tells tale about his cancer Kris Hellstrom joins 10 teachers from the school who have had cancer. This story is about a cancer cluster at the Riverside Elementary School. Hi All This story is about a cancer cluster at the Riverside Elementary School. It appears that the authorities have tested all the 'usual' toxic suspects except for electro-magnetic radiation. This is strange because there are several antennas is close proximity to this school and other schools in the area. Please follow the link below to gotemf2. You will find a great amount of information about this situation. You will also find that this site is a great source for EMR information, in general. Martin From: <Gotemf@aol.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2008 Subject: Canada Cancer Cluster - 1 Death School location - 3 Cell Towers, other schools in same area could follow members.aol.com/gotemf2/BC/ridge/ Riverside teacher cases lead to study by cancer agency Union worried after 10 staff diagnosed. Maria Rantanen, The Times Published: Tuesday, January 08, 2008 The Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows teachers' union has called on the school district to investigate why an estimated 10 teachers at RiversideElementary have been diagnosed with cancer over the past few years. The teachers' union is asking that all staff cancer cases be looked at and the school inspected for any potential links. "We think that's a fairlyhigh number compared to the general population," MRTA president Drusilla Wilson said. A representative from WorkSafe B.C., Dr. Goran Krstic from Fraser Health, district staff and the union got together late last year for what Wilson called an "unsatisfactory meeting" to look into the high number of cancer cases. "We're asking they exercise all due diligence in determining whether there are any factors they need to be aware of," Wilson said. But the school board's occupational health and safety officer, Judy Dueck, said there are a "whole bunch of variables" that need to be looked at to determine whether this is a cancer cluster or just a coincidence. While the air has been tested for mold because of previous problems, Dr. Goran Krstic of Fraser Health suggested at the meeting the school district conduct tests of "volatile organic chemicals" in the air. Radon has been ruled out because of the geographical area the school is located in. "We're certainly prepared to carry through because the anxiety levels are high," Dueck said. She added that while she's concerned about the health of staff members, discussions with medical staff have led her to understand it's probably not a cluster. A study will be led by the B.C. Cancer Agency, and Dueck is starting to collect data for it, starting with a staff survey at Riverside. The latest cancer victim from Riverside died on Jan. 2 of brain cancer, whereas her other colleagues who have been diagnosed have recovered. The cancer types have ranged from breast cancer, throat and larynx cancer, and leukemia, according to Wilson. In the fall, teachers at the school started discussing how many of themhave had cancer, and they approached the union with their concerns. "It did cause some alarm among staff," Wilson said. The school, which was built in the 1980s, has a lot of carpeting on the walls. "We now know that not only is it not a good idea in terms of the actual things it might have in it -- actual chemical substances that break down over time -- it harbours dust and mites," Wilson said, adding that the carpeting is being removed. WorkSafe B.C.'s response at the meeting was that it's not a work safety issue, but Wilson points out that is usually their response. "My sense of WorkSafe B.C. is their first response to any claim is 'no' and if you appeal it they look at it again," Wilson said, adding that admitting the school is an unhealthy workplace opens it up to a lot of liability issues. Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Times 2008 | ||||||
![]() this technology harms people Hi All Here are some dangerous new ideas from AT&T, which you should be aware of ! AT&T is a major US telephone company. Do they not read the scientific documents which show that this technology harms people? Specially children! Martin. ----- Original Message ----- From: <Gotemf@aol.com> Sent: Monday, December 17, 2007 12-14-2007 Digital Trends
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![]() on iddd.de 3.11.2007 "On what scientific basis is it endorsing the irradiation of every child of school age in Britain?" ----- Original Message ----- From: masts@lists.mastsanity.org The Daily Telegraph , Letters, 16 October '07 Research into the effects of Wi-Fi radiation. The Health Protection Agency (HPA) is to spend £300,000 on investigating health implications of wireless internet connections (report, October 13). This is "a research project to measure exposures to radio signals from wireless computer networks". Sadly, this research doesn't in any way address the well-founded concerns of many eminent scientists in respect of this technology. It seeks to establish that Wi-Fi emissions are within international guidelines, an issue that has never been in question. It ignores mounting evidence pointing to biological effects that occur well below those guideline levels. The HPA is carrying out this research because it believes that not enough has been done so far. How, then, is it able to say there is no reason why schools and others should not use Wi-Fi equipment? On what scientific basis is it endorsing the irradiation of every child of school age in Britain? Dr Grahame Blackwell, Newton Abbot, Devon The EU's European Environment Agency has concluded that Britain's safety limits for radiation from wireless devices are "thousands of times too lenient" and asked "health authorities to recommend action to reduce exposures, especially to vulnerable groups, such as children". The German government has already advised the with drawal of Wi-Fi from its schools. This contrasts markedly with the unquestioning promotion of this technology in our schools by the Government. Dr Andrew Orr, London W10 | ||||||
![]() Support for Professor Johansson 30.5.2007 more |
![]() From: Iris Atzmon atzmonh <@> bezeqint.net 29.5.2007 I was going to sleep when I suddenly saw this on the internet...couldn't resist translating. Unbelievable, did they actually SEE the programme before they wrote it?... I think we deserve the championship of disinforamtion distribution. In addition what you cannot see is that in the hebrew version they made Chalis both male and female throughout the text. more |
![]() on iddd.de: May 29, 2007 see also exGutachten zur EMVU-Belastung durch das WLAN- Uni Bremen, (.pdf, 1,14 MB) ----- Original Message ----- From: Sarahdacre [ from ] aol.com Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 10:01 AM Subject: Panorama WiFi transcript Transcript: Wi-Fi more |
![]() Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 This belief made parents up in arms to protest against the erection of mobile phone masts near the schools. But it looks like they may have been missing a ... Martin Weatherall, weather (for) golden.net |
![]() 22.5.2007 news.bbc.co.uk/ Wi Fi systems are now in 70 per cent of secondary schools Britain is in the grip of a Wi-Fi revolution with offices, homes and classrooms going wireless - but there is concern the technology could carry health risks. The Government insists Wi-Fi is safe, but a Panorama investigation shows that radio frequency radiation levels in some schools are up to three times the level found in the main beam of intensity from mobile phone masts. more |
EN, exPL![]() No Wi-Fi Sir Stewart greift gegen WHO ein! Nachricht von Schorpp Volker Andrea Klein 22 May 2007 BBC1 Panorama Programm Exposes Wi-Fi Danger Das BBC1 Magazin Panorama hat heute abend eine hervorragende Dokumentation zum Thema Wi-Fi in Schulen ausgestrahlt. Der Bericht enthielt ein langes Interview mit Sir William Stewart, dem Chairman der Health Protection Agency, in dem Sir William offen bezeugte, dass seiner Meinung nach die Empfehlungen der WHO falsch seien. mehr |
![]() 24.04.2007 From: "Iris Atzmon" By Jude Townend Published: 22 April 2007 Two giant mobile phone companies are to move a mast at a primary school, after parents claimed their children fell sick. The mast was already in use when St Edward's RC primary school opened in Coleshill, Warwickshire 11 years ago. It is owned by O2, which rents space on it to Orange. An O2 spokesman said "there were concerns from some of the local people that there are health issues" but added that the mast posed no risks to health. But parents said children and staff suffered from insomnia, headaches and numbness. They conducted a survey of 22 staff who had been at the school for the 11 years, and 59 children who had been pupils for seven years. Their results showed 56 per cent of the children and 86 per cent of the staff had problems sleeping, 54 per cent and 59 per cent respectively were getting headaches and migraines, and 46 per cent and 95 per cent respectively reported fatigue and numbness. About 45 per cent of teachers and pupils had red eyes; other symptoms included dizziness, nosebleeds, nausea and hearing strange hums and clicks. The parents have been backed by Warwickshire County Council and their MP, Mike O'Brien, the Solicitor General. Parents and their representatives held talks with O2. |
![]() Concern about Wi-Fi health danger spreads to NZ from British schools 24.04.2007 From: "Iris Atzmon" For the past 16 months, the provincial government of Salzburg in Austria has been advising schools not to install Wi-Fi, and is considering a ban. more |
![]() 24.04.2007 From: "Iris Atzmon" "This is UNBELIEVABLE! With the flick of the switch they can significantly degrade the health of my children? This is astounding me that they can get away with this and nobody seems to care around here, or be willing to do anything about it." (Robert Thinker) The Independent: Wi-Fi: Children at risk from 'electronic smog' Revealed - radiation threat from new wireless computer networks. Teachers demand inquiry to protect a generation of pupils By Geoffrey Lean, environment editor Published: 22 April 2007 Britain's top health protection watchdog is pressing for a formal investigation into the hazards of using wireless communication networks in schools amid mounting concern that they may be damaging children's health, 'The Independent on Sunday' can reveal. Sir William Stewart, the chairman of the Health Protection Agency, wants pupils to be monitored for ill effects from the networks - known as Wi-Fi - which emit radiation and are being installed in classrooms across the nation. Sir William - who is a former chief scientific adviser to the Government, and has chaired two official inquiries into the hazards of mobile phones - is adding his weight to growing pressure for a similar examination of Wi-Fi, which some scientists fear could cause cancer and premature senility. Wi-Fi - described by the Department of Education and Skills as a "magical" system that means computers do not have to be connected to telephone lines - is rapidly being taken up inschools, with estimates that more than half of primary schools - and four-fifths of secondary schools - have installed it . But several European provincial governments have already taken action to ban, or limit, its use in the classroom, and Stowe School has partially removed it after a teacher became ill. This week the Professional Association of Teachers, which represents 35,000 staff across the country, will write to Alan Johnson, Secretary of State for Education, to demand an official inquiry. Virtually no studies have been carried out into Wi-Fi's effects on pupils, but it gives off radiation similar to emissions from mobile phones and phone masts. Recent research has linked radiation from mobiles to cancer and to brain damage. And many studies have found disturbing symptoms in people near masts. Professor Olle Johansson, of Sweden's prestigious Karolinska Institute, who is deeply concerned about the spread of Wi-Fi, says there are "thousands" of articles in scientific literature demonstrating "adverse health effects". He adds: "Do we not know enough already to say, 'Stop!'?" For the past 16 months, the provincial government of Salzburg in Austria has been advising schools not to install Wi-Fi, and is considering a ban. Dr Gerd Oberfeld, its head of environmental health and medicine, calls the technology "dangerous". Sir William - who takes a stronger position on the issue than his agency - was not available for comment yesterday, but two members of an expert group that he chairs on the hazards of radiation spoke of his concern. Mike Bell, chairman of the Electromagnetic Radiation Research Trust, says that he has been "very supportive of having Wi-Fi examined and doing something about it". And Alasdair Philips, director of Powerwatch, an information service, said that he was pressing for monitoring of the health of pupils exposed to Wi-Fi. Labour MP Ian Gibson, who was interviewed with Sir William for a forthcoming television programme, last week said that he backed proposals for an inquiry |
![]() 17.4.2007 siehe auf YouTube ex"Das Handy macht krank ! Sehr krank." Darüber sprechen nur mutige Leute. Wissenschaftler. Politiker verschanzen sich hinter unrealistischen Grenzwerten und verkaufen die Gesundheit ihrer Bürger gegen bares Geld. Die sind jetzt immer und überall erreichbar aber dafür sterben sie früher, Viele qualvoll. Auszüge aus der exDiplomarbeit, (.pdf, 617 KB) "Jugend und Kommunikationselektronik - eine empirische Untersuchung der Kaufmotive der Eltern", die das Handy betreffen von Claudia Wallner 5.2.1 Mobiltelefon Das Handy ist heute ein nicht mehr weg zu denkendes Element der Jugendkultur.155 Es ist mit seinem bunten Cover, Klingelton, Logo und glitzerndem Schmuckbändchen identitätsstiftender Teil des jugendlichen Outfits und verkörpert so weit mehr Funktionen als schlichtweg jene der ständigen Erreichbarkeit. Fotoapparat, Mp3- Player, Radio, Videokamera und Internetzugang machen heutige Mobiltelefone zu mobilen Schaltzentralen und Entertainmentstationen mit multiplen Verwendungsmöglichkeiten. Die Ergebnisse der JIM-Studie 2006 bestätigen den Vormarsch und die Bedeutung des Mobiltelefons als zentralen Bestandteil der Jugendkultur. So verfügen im Jahr 2006 bereits 92% der 12- bis 19-Jährigen über ein Handy und machen es so zum am weitesten verbreiteten Medienobjekt unter Jugendlichen noch vor dem CD-Player (84%), Radio (82%), Mp3-Player (79%), Fernseher (64%) und Computer (60%). Immerhin 36% der 6- bis 13-Jährigen besitzen ein eigenes Mobiltelefon.156 155 Vgl. Geserick, 2005, S. 33 Handy |
![]() from "Iris Atzmon" atzmonh to bezeqint.net 10. April 2007 ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-3386243,00.html Parents in two kindergartens that are close to high tension lines in Yokneam, clarified that they didn't intend to bring their children back after the Passower vacation, because of the high radiation in ![]() The utility company objected but the mayor was convinced and found for them two alternative buildings. The parents are now relieved: "We are very satisfied that are our children will not be exposed anymore to radiation that risks their health" said Keren Malka, mother of Tal, 5 years old. Before the holiday the mayor received the opinion of Dr. Danny Wolf, a pediatric who is an expert of the health effects from non-ionizing radiation. (umtsno: see "Cancer near a cell-phone transmitter station.- .pdf, 111 KB") Wolf wrote: "the standard demands distance of 30 meters from a high tension line, but the distance from the kindergarten is only 20 meters, and the yard is near the line. So conclusively, the situation described here is in contrast to the law and standard". Wolf explained more: "the radiation measurements do not reflect because the measurement was taken when the power consumption was the lowest, at 9 AM. The environment ministry accepts 10 miligaus as highest limit whereas there is no doubt that in the kindergarten the radiation is higher. At level above 4 mG the children are at risk to contract the worst disease of all - cancer" he determined. Two weeks ago an article was published ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-3380737,00.html The article told the story of Tal, who was diagnosed with a brain tumor two months ago. ![]() The Malka family are convinced he got it from the radiation near the kindergarten. Malka drew the other parents' attention to the data she collected about the radiation in the place, and she talked to Dr. Wolf to hear his opinion. "He told me clearly, that Tal and his friends should not be in the kindergarten. He recommended: either the line moves or the kindergarten moves". She added: until it touches you, you are not aware of the dangers, you don't really know that high tension line can hurt your child's health. more here |
![]() Handy - Verbot an Schulen Handys gefährlich für Kleinkinder Handy - Verbot an Schulen Rom - Die italienische Regierung hat das Benutzen von Handys an Schulen verboten. Damit solle der Störung des Unterrichts und der Aufzeichnung von Gewaltvideos ein Ende bereitet werden, hieß es. Lehrer dürfen Handys einkassieren, aber auch selbst keine während des Unterrichts benutzen.
Handys gefährlich für Kleinkinder? Berlin - Kleinkinder sollten auf keinen Fall mit dem Handy telefonieren! Mit dieser Warnung reagiert das Bundesumweltministerium auf neue Untersuchungen über die Strahlenbelastung durch Mobiltelefone. Ein Ministeriumssprecher: "Für Kinder unter fünf Jahren sollten Handys tabu sein - aus Vorsorgegründen!" Das Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz rät zudem, die Strahlenbelastung auch für ältere Kinder so gering wie möglich zu halten. BZ 8.3.2007, Anmerkung umtsno: diese kurze Nachricht freut besonders, weil sie von einem Blatt mit mehrerer Millionenauflage kommt. |
![]() Iris Atzmon Tue, 17 Oct 2006 ![]() Maariv 17.10.06 The minister of environment protection is working on changing the public perception on cellular antennas. "I meet mayors and I tell them that we must not remove antennas from population centers, the problem is that to say this today is real madness, they think I am crazy, but this is the truth and this is the right thing professionally. Putting the antennas at distance only causes more damage. In the ministry they claim that the media attack against the cellular antennas was wrong and exaggerated. In the heat of the public panic, the antennas are moved away from population centers, but in reality the radiation danger has only increased. The minister Gidon Ezra: "it is good for the children that on the roof of their school will be antenna, because they speak on the phone and the more the antenna is further away, the more they are hurt. I think that we need to make a revolution in this area and to explain that it is possible to put antennas but it must be by the law and according to the strictest standards of the ministry". nrg.co.il/online/ |
![]() omega.twoday.net/stories/2663135/ Strahlung: Handy-Warnung von Ärzten (Die Presse) 14.09.2006 Strahlungsintensität. Ärzte fordern vor allem Kennzeichnung für Kinder. Wien (APA). "Wenn wir Medikamente auf den Markt bringen, untersuchen wir auch vorher ihre Evidenz. Mit dem Mobilfunk hingegen verbreiten wir eine Technologie, deren Auswirkungen wir noch nicht wirklich kennen und die wir erst genauer untersuchen müssen", kritisierte Erik Huber, Referent für Umweltmedizin der Ärztekammer für Wien, Dienstagabend bei einer Podiumsdiskussion in Wien. Kinder seien mittlerweile die Hauptzielgruppe der Telekomindustrie. Zu ihrem Schutz müssten Handys mit SAR-Werten - sie geben Auskunft über die Strahlungsintensität eines Handys - gekennzeichnet sein, verlangte Huber. "Unsere Kinder dürfen keine Versuchskaninchen sein." Der Mediziner forderte zudem die Beilage der von der Österreichischen Ärztekammer herausgegebenen Leitlinien ("Zehn medizinische Handyregeln") beim Verkauf eines Handys. Außerdem sollte die Industrie vermehrt Mittel bereitstellen, um die Auswirkungen von Handy-Strahlen auf den Menschen zu erforschen. Die Ärztekammer hat in den vergangenen Jahren mehrfach davor gewarnt, Kinder übermäßig viel mit dem Handy telefonieren zu lassen. "Wir müssen davon ausgehen, dass Kinder gegenüber hochfrequenter Strahlung empfindlicher sind als Erwachsene, da der Schädelknochen dünner ist," warnte Huber bereits im Sommer des Vorjahres. Dienstagabend wiederholte der Umweltmediziner, dass der Schutz von Kindern und Jugendlichen absolute Priorität haben müsse, "denn Mobiltelefone sind in etwa so gefährlich wie ein Sonnenbad". Kein Mensch würde heutzutage Kinder ohne Schutzmaßnahmen in die pralle Sonne lassen. Dabei räumt Huber ein, dass Mobiltelefone durchaus Sinn machten, sofern sie richtig eingesetzt würden. Im Notfall etwa würden sie ihren Zweck erfüllen. "Ich will kein Handy-Verbot für Kinder." Ihm gehe es vielmehr darum, Bewusstsein hinsichtlich des möglichen Risikos zu schaffen. Gerd Oberfeld von der Österreichischen Ärztekammer betonte: "Die Schädigung der DNA mit der Folge eines erhöhtes Tumorrisikos durch Mobiltelefone ist auf allen wissenschaftlichen Nachweisebenen - von der Zelle über den Tierversuch und nun auch durch Beobachtungsstudien am Menschen - gegeben." Aktuelle Daten aus Schweden zeigten nach zehn Jahren Handy-Nutzungszeit ein dreifach erhöhtes Hirntumor-Risiko. "Wir benötigen dringend eine entsprechende Aufklärung der Bevölkerung, Mobiltelefone nur für wichtige und dringende Gespräche zu verwenden", meinte Oberfeld. diepresse.com/ |
![]() 8-06-2006 Stadt Frankfurt lehnt drahtlose Computer-Verbindungen ab / GEW befürchtet Schulversagen durch Funkstrahlung Sollen Schulcomputer drahtlos oder per Kabelverbindung genutzt werden? Das Frankfurter Schuldezernat und die Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) warnen vor Gesundheitsrisiken der Funkstrahlung. Frankfurt - Sie halten in immer mehr Klassenzimmern in Hessen Einzug: Laptops, die per Funk Daten übermitteln und es Schülern erlauben, ohne Kabelsalat miteinander über den Computer zu kommunizieren oder im Internet zu surfen. Die hessische Landesregierung favorisiert die drahtlose Vernetzung der Computer, das Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). Das ist zwar billiger als eine Verkabelung, nutzt aber eine hochfrequente elektromagnetische Strahlung im Mikrowellenbereich. Die ist möglicherweise gesundheitsgefährdend. "Solange die Unbedenklichkeit der drahtlosen Kommunikation nicht geklärt ist, kommt an den Frankfurter Schulen kein WLAN zum Einsatz", sagt Michael Damian, persönlicher Referent von Schuldezernentin Jutta Ebeling (Grüne). "Wir setzen bereits seit Jahren auf Verkabelung." Ein Standpunkt, den sich Christoph Baumann vom GEW-Landesvorstand auch für andere Schulen in Hessen wünscht. Ein entsprechender Beschlussantrag soll auf der nächsten GEW-Vorstandssitzung diskutiert werden. Darin heißt es: "Wegen möglicher Auswirkungen auf die Schulleistungen sollte eine gesunde Schule nicht nur rauchfrei sein, sondern den Schülern und Lehrern auch ein möglichst strahlungsfreies Lernumfeld bieten." Die strahlende WLAN-Karte -siehe z.B. exGutachten zur EMVU-Belastung durch das WLAN- Uni Bremen, (.pdf, 1,14 MB) des Computers befindet sich nahe am Körper. In einer Klasse funken zudem viele Computer gleichzeitig. Kritiker fürchten, dass dies eine nicht unerhebliche Belastung der Schüler mit Mobilfunkstrahlung bedeuten könnte. Hinzu kommen noch die im Dauerbetrieb sendenden "Access Points", die für den Datentransfer in der Schule installiert werden müssen. Zur biologischen Wirkung von Mobilfunkstrahlung liegen etliche wissenschaftliche Studien vor, die einen negativen Einfluss auf den menschlichen Organismus aufzeigen. Biologe informiert Lehrer Grund genug für die GEW, Lehrer über die Mobilfunk-Problematik in der Schule zu informieren. Bei ihrer Fachtagung "Elektrosmog im Klassenzimmer" in Frankfurt sagte Siegfried Schwarzmüller, Lehrer und Baubiologe, dass Menschen auf die in der Natur nicht vorkommende Mobilfunkstrahlung in unterschiedlichster Weise reagierten, und das bereits weit unterhalb der gesetzlich festgelegten Grenzwerte. Bei wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen wurden laut Schwarzmüller etwa Hirnstromveränderungen, Konzentrationsstörungen, negative Einflüsse auf das Hormon-, das Immun- und das Nervensystem, Störung der Zellkommunikation und die Öffnung der Blut-Hirn-Schranke festgestellt. Ergebnisse der 2005 veröffentlichten europaweiten Reflexstudie zeigten, dass Mobilfunkstrahlung das Erbgut menschlicher Zellen schädigen könne. Für Schwarzmüller ist der Rückzug auf die gesetzlichen Grenzwerte aufgrund der inzwischen vorliegenden Untersuchungsergebnisse nicht länger vertretbar. "Forschungslage und Politik geraten hier in einen immer größeren Widerspruch. Ihn auszusitzen, ist keine Lösung", sagte er. Gerade bei Kindern und Jugendlichen, die noch in der Entwicklung sind, müsse die Gesundheit vorrangig sein. Strahlungsstärken, die nachweisbare Hirnstromveränderungen verursachten, "haben in Schulen nichts verloren". Karen Heinen fr-aktuell.de/ Frankfurter Rundschau 7-06-2006 Ausgabe Stadtausgabe Nr. 130, Seite 33 Funknetze Kabelverbindung für Computer an Schulen Frankfurt · An den Frankfurter Schulen wird es vorerst keine Funknetze für drahtlose Computernutzung (Wireless Lan) geben. Das Bildungsdezernat wolle an den Schulen "keinen Großversuch am Menschen", sagte Michael Damian, persönlicher Referent von Stadträtin Jutta Ebeling (Grüne). Bislang lägen "keine eindeutigen Belege vor, dass diese Technik unschädlich ist" Daher werde einstweilen auf sie verzichtet. Zwar gebe es eine Reihe von Laptops an den Schulen, die würden aber in der Regel per Kabel angeschlossen. In den vergangenen Jahren sind die Schulen speziell für den Anschluss an das städtische Computernetzwerk mit Kabeln ausgestattet worden. Inzwischen seien vier Fünftel der Schulen verkabelt, sagte Damian. Pro Schule kostete die technische Umrüstung im Schnitt 300 000 Euro. Information von Michael Meyer Risiko Mobilfunk Österreich Plattform Sozialstaat Österreich - Netzwerk Zivilcourage A - 5165 Berndorf, Stadl 4 Tel/Fax 0043 - 6217 - 8576 |
![]() New Laws for Children and Youth Informacja dla Krzysztofa, Kamionek i PSE Power line changes passed in House and Senat ![]() (exthe full document, 526,7 KB, 11.06.06 Power lines H.B. 5418 An Act Concerning Electric Transmission Line Siting Criteria The law spearheaded by concerned citizens of Woodbridge, acknowledges for the first time the potential health risks of electric magnetic fields ( EMF) caused by electric transmission lines. The bill requires the State Siting Council to establish a buffer zone that protects health and safety when issuing permits for new transmission lines. New sitings of transmission lines must consider residential areas, private and public schools, licensed day care centers and youth camps, and public playgrounds adjacent to the overhead portions of the line. In a sweeping change, the law establishes a presumption that transmission lines of this capacity should be buried underground. exREPORT ON BILLS FAVORABLY REPORTED BY COMMITTEE Energy and Technology Committee TITLE OF BILL: AN ACT CONCERNING ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINE SITING CRITERIA. REASONS FOR BILL: To prohibit the Connecticut Siting Council from siting certain overhead electric transmission lines within a certain amount of feet of a private or public school, licensed day care facility, licensed youth camp or public playground. The substitute language makes the last two sections of this bill equal the first two sections. RESPONSE FROM ADMINISTRATION/AGENCY: Attorney General Richard Blumenthal (AG)- The concept of this bill is to recognize that high voltage transmission lines may endanger children and are inappropriate near sites where children play for extended periods of time. The AG urges the committee to ensure that the Connecticut Siting Council reviews and considers all alternatives to current siting plans for these high power transmission lines-including conservation measures and small, local power plants-prior to final approval of any siting permit. Majority Leader Representative James A. Amann- Rep. Amann believes the legislature must take measures to protect our children from health hazards. Given the conflicting scientific effort regarding health risks from electromagnetic fields, the question remains: How should we proceed when locating high voltage lines in our communities? We must come down on the side of caution. Senator Joseph J. Crisco, Jr.- Supports this bill because he is concerned about the possible health risks the plan could have on children who congregate in close proximity to the transmission lines. With the utilities' plan before us, we are confronted with the possibility that electromagnetic fields (EMF) will impact negatively on the health of children. This bill would allow the Siting Council to deny the Phase II transmission line plan submitted by the utilities, if construction of those lines occurs in the vicinity of schools, playgrounds and daycare centers. NATURE AND SOURCES OF SUPPORT: Amey W. Marrella, Town of Woodbridge First Selectman- Amey W. Marrella would like for this legislation, as proposed, should go into effect immediately. This bill simply amplifies the need for the Connecticut Siting Council to consider health impacts. Given the potential health effects, it makes sense to enact a limited and specific siting requiring that safeguards all schools, day care facilities, camps and playgrounds within Connecticut. Carl Baum, M.D. Yale University Assistant Professor of Pediatrics School of Medicine and Director of the Center for Children's Environmental Toxicology at Yale-New Haven Children's Hospital- As a pediatrician and medical toxicologist, Dr. Baum has reviewed the medical literature on the subject of power lines and the EMF they generate. The medical literature does support an association between electromagnetic fields and childhood leukemia that is unlikely due to chance; the exact cause-and-effect relationship between the two has yet to be determined. The National Institutes of Health have concluded that exposure of children to EMF cannot be considered safe. Dr. Baum believes the legislature has the responsibility to consider all scientific evidence on the effects of electromagnetic fields. Peter Rabinowitz, M.D., M.P.H. Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Yale University School of Medicine and Director of Clinical Services at the Yale Occupational and Environmental Medicine Program- What the power companies are proposing goes against recommendations of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO's International Agency for Research in Cancer has labeled EMF as "possibly carcinogenic". Background EMF exposures for the general population have been estimated in the range of less than 1 milligauss, averaged over a 24-hour period. In studies of children, EMF daily exposures of 3-4 milligauss have been associated with a doubling of leukemia risk. Dr. Rabinowitz urges the legislature to protect the children by not allowing power companies to increase EMF exposures near schools and playgrounds. Alan Gerber, Professor of Political Science at Yale University- Given the potential danger, going ahead with the current utility company plan is extremely irresponsible and fails to show proper regard for our children's health and safety. John H. Krystal, M.D., Deputy Chairman for Research Yale University School of Medicine/Department of Psychiatry- Asks the legislature to consider the negative psychological impact of the proposed power lines could adversely affect the brain function of our children. Jody Ellant, Co-Chairperson Keepthechildrensafe (Woodbridge, CT)- Through her research, in other similarly densely populated states, Power Companies have self-regulated by making the ethical corporate decision not to site high voltage power transmission lines near schools. In fact, the Tennessee Valley Authority states that a desirable distance between transmission lines of a similar voltage to the ones proposed by Connecticut Light and Power and United Illuminating and schools is 1200 feet. Shelley G. Kreiger, Head of School Ezra Academy- The proposed line is within 30-50 feet of the school. She is very concerned for the health of the students as she once lost a child to cancer herself. She urges the committee to heavily consider the health risks. Diana McCain (resident of Durham, CT)- Encourages the authors of this bill to change the text of added subsections D, E and F to read, "No private or public school licensed child day care facility, licensed youth camp or public playground or residence within." Stephanie Green, M.D. Infectious Diseases Specialist/New Haven Health Department- Supports the proposed bill to protect the health and safety of the children in the state of Connecticut. Dr. Green also requests support for the language in the proposed legislation to ensure that the proposed safety buffers are enacted with respect to the Phase II application before the CT Siting Council. Connecticut Education Association- Supports the legislation that could avoid possible health risks. South Central Regional Council of Governments (SCRCG)- Michele Goldblatt, Chairman of SCRCG supports this bill with an amendment in sections (D), (E) and (F). Ruth Ann Wiesenthal-Gold, President of the Woodlands Coalition- Supports this bill but respectfully requests the bill be amended by adding the words "residential neighborhoods". Lynn Stanwood of Durham, CT- "Residential neighborhoods must be included in the Energy bill simply due to reasonable doubt. All power lines must be under grounded especially in residential neighborhoods." Karen Leibowitz of Woodbridge, CT- Supports this legislation because the transmission lines cut right across areas where many children go to school and play. This bill employs a precautionary principle and ensures that the children are safe. Walter Pietruska of Durham, CT- Would like the language of the bill to be changed to include "densely populated areas." Mayor James L. Richetelli, Jr. of Milford, CT- Supports this bill with the hope that it twill protect those individuals, families and communities that will be impacted as well as ensuring the health and safety of our community's future. Maryann P. Goord, Town of Durham First Selectwoman- Supports this bill and would like to recommend additional language, such as, "residential neighborhoods". Selectwoman Goord also requests that if the bill is passed into law, have it apply to pending as well as future applications before the Connecticut Siting Council. |
![]() Sun, 30 Apr 2006 ![]() After 65 minutes [when they didn't have more funding for the study....] they removed the shell, the white of the egg was hard, the yellow not hard (yet). Food for thought.... Idee: Suzzanna Decantworthy, Sean McCleanaugh Foto: Anatolija Zdanowa (kp.ru/daily/23694.4/52233/) Erfolgreich gekocht von: Wladimir Lagowskij lagovskiy@kp.ru und Andrej Moisejenko moisey@kp.ru Info: Iris Atzmon Das originale Kochrezept gefunden von umtsno im Wymsey Weekend Weekend Eating: Mobile Cooking with Suzzanna Decantworthy additional research: Sean McCleanaugh Many students, and other young people, have little in the way of cooking skills but can usually get their hands on a couple of mobile phones. So, this week, we show you how to use two mobile phones to cook an egg which will make a change from phoning out for a pizza. Please note that this will not work with cordless phones. To do this you will need two mobile phones -they do not have to be on the same network but you will need to know the number of one of them. The only other items you will need are: 1. An egg cup, (make sure that the egg cup is made of an insulating material such as China, wood or glass - plastic will do. DO NOT use stainless steel or other metal). 2. A radio, AM or FM - you can also use your hifi. 3. A table or other flat surface on which to place the phones and egg cup. You can place the radio anywhere in the room but you might as well put it on the table. How To Do It: 1. Take an egg from the fridge and place it in the egg cup in the centre of the table. 2. Switch on the radio or hifi and turn it up to a comfortable volume. 3. Switch on phone A and place it on the table such that the antenna (the pokey thing at the top) is about half an inch from the egg (you may need to experiment to get the relative heights correct - paperbacks are good if you have any - if not you may be able to get some wood off cuts from your local hardware shop). 4. Switch on phone B and ring phone A then place phone B on the table in a similar but complementary position to Phone A. 5. Answer phone A - you should be able to do this without removing it from the table. If not, don't panic, just return the phone to where you originally placed on the table. 6. Phone A will now be talking to Phone B whilst Phone B will be talking to Phone A. 7. Cooking time: This very much depends on the power output of your mobile phone. For instance, a pair of mobiles each with 2 Watts of transmitter output will take three minutes to boil a large free range egg. Check your user manual and remember that cooking time will be proportional to the inverse square of the output power for a given distance from egg to phone. 8. Cut out these instructions for future reference. Note: We cooked our egg during the evening using free local calls, if you were to cook an egg for lunch it would cost £3.00 - not cheap but you do have the convenience. Wem ist es gelungen das o.g. Experiment zu wiederholen? Bitte melden ! |
![]() 13 Apr 2006
![]() june 20th 2005, Pupils of "La Asunción" School of Gijón find that a tumors cluster in the area of emission of the mast. Between 2000 and 2004 seven thousand had been diagnosed, 1400 each year (in the researched area). Thirteen pupils of 4th grade [last course of secondary school, 16 years old] of the school of "La Asunción", leaded by his physics-chemical teacher, have completed a research work to clarify the possible link between tumors and masts one week before that the Government of José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero (President of Spain) conceded the expansion of permission to the phone companies to all the country. more |
![]() 19.3.2006 München. Die Mehrheit der Deutschen ist für ein völliges Verbot von Handys an Schulen. In einer Umfrage des Nachrichtenmagazins FOCUS sprachen sich 55 Prozent für ein Verbot aus, 43 Prozent waren dagegen. Bei den 14- bis 19-Jährigen sprach sich allerdings mit 87 Prozent eine große Mehrheit gegen ein Verbot aus. Unter den über 59-Jährigen waren nur 30 Prozent dagegen, Mobiltelefone an Schulen zu verbieten. Das Meinungsforschungsinstitut polis/USUMA befragte für FOCUS 1005 repräsentativ ausgewählte Personen ab 14 Jahren. FOCUS Magazin |
![]() 02.03.2006 Mit einer wohl einmaligen Aktion haben die Anwohner des Schulzentrums am Mittwochabend gegen die Mobilfunkanlage neben der Dreifachturnhalle protestiert. Mit drei großen Strahlern, wie man sie von Baustellen kennt, wurde der 25 Meter hohe Mast gegen 19.30 Uhr in helles, gleißendes Licht getaucht. "Der Funkmast strahlt im Licht, bevor er selbst zu strahlen beginnt", lautete das Motto der ironisch-provokanten Aktion, die von weither beobachtet werden konnte. Die Anwohner wollten damit erneut ihren Sorgen und Ängsten Ausdruck verleihen, liegen doch die ersten Wohnhäuser gerade einmal 45 Meter von der Sendeanlage entfernt. Grundschule und Dreifachturnhalle stehen sogar noch näher an der Anlage, Real- und Hauptschule sind auch nicht viel weiter entfernt. Das Gestänge im oberen Bereich des Masten soll mit Antennen bestückt werden. Die Genehmigung sieht fünf zu nutzende Ebenen vor: D1, GSM, D2, UMTS und Richtfunk. "Wir fühlen uns als Anlieger völlig übergangen und haben ebenso wie die Eltern und Kinder der Schulen einfach die Sorge, dass unsere Ängste und Nöte nicht ernst genommen werden", teilten die Anlieger von Johann-Biggemann-Straße und Am Wolfssiepen in einer gemeinsamen Stellungnahme mit. Die Gemeindeverwaltung verstecke sich hinter Grenzwerten und juristischen Formulierungen. "Hier geht es aber um die Gesundheit unserer Kinder und um unsere eigene Gesundheit." Die Anwohner verwiesen darauf, dass es mittlerweile Studien gebe, die die Risiken des Mobilfunks aufzeigten: "Da mussten wir einfach reagieren." Die Strahlungskeule einer der UMTS-Antennen sei gemäß Antennendiagramm direkt in Richtung Grundschule ausgerichtet. Unter diesen Umständen dürfe man nicht tatenlos zusehen. Erneut wurde die Forderung laut, Umweltmediziner und unabhängige Fachleute zu Wort kommen zu lassen. |
Auszugsweiser Wortlaut der Reportage betr. Seeheim-Jugendheim:
![]() from SArjuna 16 Feb 2006 |
WLAN and DECT in Schools and Kindergardens Dear Governor/Head Teacher/Concerned Parent, I was kindly asked by some parents to inform you about health effects from WLAN Networks in schools. I will do this in a very short summary. WLAN antennas are emitting microwave radiation in the frequency range 2400-2485 MHz - it is the same as used by microwave ovens. The pulses change their amplitude 10 times per second in stand by (10 Hz) with a very sharp rise. The exposure depends on the distance to the antenna which could be very small in the case of antennas build in the notebook. Despite the widespread use of WLAN there are no studies available on shortor long-term effects from WLAN exposures. Based on first empirical evidence from sensitive people the signal seems to be very "biologically active". The symptoms seen so far are the same seen in base station studies: headaches, concentration difficulty, restlessness, memory problems etc. The official advice of the Public Health Department of the Salzburg Region is not to use WLAN and DECT in Schools or Kindergardens. Best regards Dr. Gerd Oberfeld MD Salzburg Region Public Health Department, org., .pdf, 20 KB |
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EMF schools survey Lee Chung-yi, a Taiwanese professor of public health at Fu Jen Catholic University, maybe doesn't have to worry so much about the schools that are close to EMF sources, if he would only listen to a swedish Public Health representative - professor Anders Ahlbom who tends more to the "don't worry, be happy" approach: "Also the involved risk, if any is small and would affect a small fraction of the population." But how small is for example: even 1%- 5% of billion people? calculators are not only for statistics, they can be used also for basic math. From Sylvie ![]() |
A total of 144 elementary and junior high schools in Taiwan are exposed to dangerous electromagnetic fields, according to Monday's China Times newspaper. Taipei, 2006-02-13 The paper quoted a survey conducted by Lee Chung-yi, a professor of public health at Fu Jen Catholic University, under the commission of the Ministry of Education, as warning that the health of more than 18,000 students could be threatened by the electromagnetic fields. Judged by the locations of the schools, the survey found that 95 elementary schools and 49 junior high schools have part of their campus within 20 meters of high-voltage power lines or within a 50-meters radius of a substation. In theory, such areas are affected by extreme low-frequency electromagnetic fields with an intensity of more than 4 milligauss, which has been linked to high incidence of cancer among children, according to the survey. As it is "impossible" to relocate the schools or ask the power company to move the power lines or power facilities, the paper quoted an education official as saying that the Education Ministry has asked these schools to "avoid using campus and classrooms" near affected areas. (By Maubo Chang) cna.com.tw/ |
2 generation family home exposure to high transmission line EM Dear Dr. Ahlbom, 15 januari 2006 In your personal opinion, not reflecting the ICNIRP opinion or position, could you please inform me, whether you and your assumed family, with children aged 1 and 3, and expecting a third child in two months, would you live in a house that is exposed to magnetic fields ranging between magnetic field and above, 24 hours a day, year-round for the next 25+ years. This with your wife always staying home and not working anywhere else, and having mind that you once will retire in this home, and one of your kids will move in and raise a family of two or three children? Your response would be very much appreciated. Thank you, Hans Karow Re: 2 generation family home exposure to high transmission line EMR From: Anders Ahlbom January 15, 2006 To: 'hans karow' There is still scientific uncertainty about this association and IARC (WHO cancer agency) classified the exposure as possibly carcinogenic to humans. Also the involved risk, if any is small and would affect a small fraction of the population. Yet, I would try to avoid a home with the exposure level you mention, particularly with children at home. Best wishes, Anders Ahlbom Office: + 46 8 5248 74 70; Mobile + 46 70 324 74 70 |
![]() From Martin Weatherall: ----- Original Message ----- From: Sue Fusco To: dmckeown bei toronto.ca Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 2:13 AM Subject: Re: Protecting Children's Health Dear Dr. McKeown, As the Toronto Medical Officer of Health, I thank you for dedicating your September /05 advisory to the report on Environmental Threats to children at: wx.toronto.ca/inter/it/ I have had the opportunity to read Dr. Havas' comments below as well as your Sept /05 report and agree with Dr. Havas that the environmental exposures need to include EMF also. I wanted to know if you would be willing to review the concerns detailed in Dr. Havas' correspondence? I to would like to meet with you to discuss pursuing the best Preventative Measures for our children. I strongly encourage you to meet with Dr. Havas as she may further elaborate on the elements of the electrical pollution spectrum and how it applies and is present in a variety of different settings. I have been committed to raising awareness of the concerns of electrical pollution to the public during the past 18 months through the work of our community group S.T.O.P. Stop Transmission Lines Over People was involved in a power line upgrade proposal with Hydro One. We lobbied all government levels for alternative methods of delivering power and more environmentally principles in power planning. More information can be found at stop-emf.ca . Our case includes an elementary school adjacent to the corridor and an existing residential community on the opposite side. The potential for long term exposure at home and school for children is an alarming and increasing trend which could have serious repercussions for the future. I have continued to raise the current EMF concerns of our school site and schools in general with the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health toxicologists for the Province, York Catholic School Board, York Region Health Services and the Ministry of Labour. Needless to say the issues I have raised as a Health and Safety concern on behalf of students and staff have been neglectfully disregarded. The School Board has been the worst offender and is failing to take into account the health and welfare of those involved in a responsible or timely fashion. Our group is still awaiting replies from the various Health Officials for recommendations. I am a parent of this school (St. Monica CS) and have been an advocate for the children at this school; but without demanding attention to this matter and seeking intervention from outside health authorities I have little faith that these concerns will be given high regard promptly and effectively based on the responses to date by our Board. The YCDSB declines to provide access for an independent EMF survey to be conducted. They took one EMF reading of the portable cables strung over the school yard and communicated it to the school community. There is a discrepancy with this reading . It is underestimated. I asked for board Representatives to join me in verifying it with similar instrumentation in my presence. My request continues to be dismissed . I have to question the credibility of the readings analyed of the hydro corridor also. As a parent I feel my child's rights are being abandoned. All school Boards have a responsibility to provide a safe school environment and to fully disclose what readings have been taken and collected. This involves agreeing to a comprehensive, detailed EMF survey of indoor and outdoor locations. Including a lateral profile of the lines adjacent to the school which have been identified through the Ontario Power Authority consultation process to be incorrectly configured for typical Distribution voltage resulting in a much larger EMF field than normally expected/present because of the horizontal line placement. No one has taken responsibility in correcting this. There has been no accountability in rectifying this problem. We are attempting to meet with Town and Utility staff to rectify this. I agree that the vulnerability of children is greater than adults to contaminants and EMF is a carcinogen that is emitted in schools and the environment and remains uncontrolled. School boards need to be ordered not to open schools in close proximity to lines or substations. By not developing a National policy such as the California Children's Electromagnetic Field Risk Reduction Act (1993) the quality of children's health will be continually compromised. This is totally unacceptable. Until prudent policies are developed and enforced by Health Canada the health effects you quoted such as asthma, leukemia, tumours, learning problems will continue to increase.The evidence Dr. Havas provided will lend a good understanding of the association being made and linked to these exposures and these diseases. We are a community with evidence of these conditions presenting themselves in our children. How many more cases around the country do we need to attribute to this before we take notice? Premier McGuinty and Health Canada have been deficient in answering the public's appeals to assist also. The Canadian Standards for EMF exposure are currently set at 833 mG. They should be reduced to the most protective level that being 2 mG to protect the public . Exposures in public settings should be strictly enforced so that the unassuming public is not placed at further increased risk. I agree our legislation is inadequate and there is a significant void in leadership in this respect. Dr. Havas has clearly outlined the extent of the concerns to various facets of electrical pollution and how they relate to children's exposure. While we procrastinate we are doing irreversible harm on the immune systems of children & the public. There is great value in acting with precaution for our children's well being. I would love to hear of your interest in collaborating with York Region Health Services or other elected officials so that our City does come up with effective and appropriate measures that serves the public health well. We require more individuals such as yourself to initiate and follow through on the position you have proposed. I acknowledge Dr. Basrur, Dr. Havas and Dr. Helena Jaczek's attempts and efforts to raise the issue locally and with other officials. I would be glad to assist by linking you with other citizens committed in acting as liasons to further distribute the much needed information to schools and establishing policies in schools that reflect an investment in protecting our children's future and health. I would appreciate to hear any new news you may have. Citizens of Toronto, York Region and municpalites across the country have demonstrated that more protective action must be taken than what W.H.O. & Health Canada is providing. A more distinct position has to be taken that benefits the public rather than the Industry Culprits responsible for preventable exposure. The lack of a National EMF Policy should be a prime public interest issue in this Federal election with all candidates regardless of Party name. These concerns were repeatedly raised by community and scientific representatives across Canada and Internationally. Other countries such as Sweden, Italy, UK, Spain, Australia, Germany, Austria, France,Finland, Holland, Latvia, Lithuania, Switzerland and certain U.S. states have risen to the occassion by addressing these concerns with updated legislation, ordinances or policies. I can provide you with a listing of notable International Precedents . Canada hangs its hat on finding inconclusive proof and allowing the industry offenders to gain further momentum in practicing negligence. The existing research has been enough for other countries to heed and recognize the implications involved. Instead our government is not sharing this information through education programs. The information of the hazards is being suppresssed and directed by a politically induced uncertainty. EMF affects all Canadians at home, school, and work. Some more than others. Our children need and deserve this consideration. Would you be committed to reviewing current research that Dr. Havas has conducted? Would you review the research by Dr. Draper, Dr. Anthony Miller, and Don Maisch and countless others that have lended their expert testimony on the subject? Dr. Havas can connect you with the experts in the field of EMF and has travelled the world to consult with other governments. It is scandalous that our government locally, provincially and Federally has not tapped into an important and knowledgeable resource. I hope you do respond and look forward to your reply. I extend my assistance in sharing the wealth of references gained over the past year and a half of my experience to date. Regards, Sue Fusco Director, S.T.O.P. Committee 905-887-2173 Sue Fusco Director, S.T.O.P. Committee 905-887-2173 ----- Original Message ----- From: Magda Havas To: dmckeown bei toronto.ca Cc: Magda Havas ; Ronald Macfarlane Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 12:18 PM Subject: Children's Health Dr. McKeown I recently read your September 2005 report on the Environmental Threats to Children, which is a very good document for the public. However, I was disappointed to see that electromagnetic fields and radio frequency radiation were not mentioned in this document. This is a serious oversight since we are now exposing children to more electromagnetic energy in the form of cell phones, computers, video games, television, and radio frequency guided toys (air planes, cars). 1. Radio Frequency Radiation: The Stewart Report in the UK a few years ago recommended that children not use cell phones except for critical calls. Several studies report increased incidents of brain tumors among adults who have used a cell phone for greater than 10 years. These tumors occur on the same side of the head that they use to talk on their cell phone. Children are much more vulnerable since they have a thinner skull, a small head size so the RF penetrates more deeply into the brain, and they are growing more rapidly. Brain tumors in Australia are increasing rapidly especially among children. People who live near antennas are reporting various symptoms that have now been classified as "Electrical Hypersensitivity" (EHS). The symptoms for EHS are similar to what was report as "Radio Wave Sickness" among radar workers after the Second World War. Symptoms of radio wave sickness (Firstenberg 2001) Neurological : headaches, dizziness, nausea, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, irritability, depression, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, weakness, tremors, muscle spasms, numbness, tingling, altered reflexes, muscle and joint paint, leg/foot pain, "Flu-like" symptoms, fever. More severe reactions can include seizures, paralysis, psychosis and stroke. Cardiac : palpitations, arrhythmias, pain or pressure in the chest, low or high blood pressure, slow or fast heart rate, shortness of breath. Respiratory : sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma. Dermatological: skin rash, itching, burning, facial flushing. Ophthalmologic: pain or burning in the eyes, pressure in/behind the eyes, deteriorating vision, floaters, cataracts. Others : digestive problems; abdominal pain; enlarged thyroid, testicular/ovarian pain; dryness of lips, tongue, mouth, eyes; great thirst; dehydration; nosebleeds; internal bleeding; altered sugar metabolism; immune abnormalities; redistribution of metals within the body; hair loss; pain in the teeth; deteriorating fillings; impaired sense of smell; ringing in the ears. 2. Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields: Studies show an increased risk for children developing leukemia when they are exposed to magnetic fields above 2-4 mG. Because of these studies ELF EMF are classified as "potential carcinogens" by various international agencies. There is evidence of a dose-response relationship and night-time exposure seems to be the most critical. I've attached a document that reviews these studies in more detail. 3. Dirty Electricity: Because of computers and other electronic equipment we have more high frequency transients and harmonics on our electrical wiring resulting in poor power quality. This poor power quality has been a problem for industry for decades and they often install large capacitors to clean the electricity before they use it. People are also reacting to poor power quality. When capacitors are used to clean up a home or school environment the occupant's health improves in a variety of ways. Diabetics and people with MS also respond to poor power quality or dirty electricity. Their symptoms become more severe when they are living or working in an environment with dirty electricity. I am attaching some research that I've conducted in this area. Ronald MacFarlane at Toronto Public Health is familiar with this research if you would like to discuss it with him. Dr. McKeown, this is such a serious concern not only for children but also for adults. Our Health Authorities are in an ideal position to inform the public and to help individuals minimize their exposure (just as they were for lead by removing it from paint etc.). Individuals (stop-emf.ca) are fighting the placement of transmission lines in their communities (York region for example) and many don't want to live near cell phone towers that are sprouting like mushrooms. Teachers and parents are trying to keep these antennas away from schools and they are being silenced by the School Board. Dr. Sheela Basrur was concerned about cell phone antennas when she was the MOE for Toronto and she organized a public meeting to discuss this serious issue. I was one of the speakers she invited to that meeting. Her staff also proposed a lowering of the federal guideline to truly protect public health. That proposal has to be brought back to the table for further discussion and implementation. I would be willing to discuss these issues with you and your staff if you are interested. Sincerely, -magda havas ____________________________________________________ Dr. Magda Havas, B.Sc., Ph.D. Environmental and Resource Studies Program, Trent University Peterborough, ON K9J 7B8, CANADA email: mhavas zu trentu.ca phone: 705-748-1011 x1232 fax: 705-748-1569 |
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![]() EN Eine Untersuchung von Danna Thomas, einer 15-jährigen Studentin der Broadneck High School in Annapalos MD, United States of America, hat gezeigt, daß Hochfrequenzstrahlung von Handys, DECT-Telefonen und Radar Mutationen in Fluchtfliegen hervorruft. Sie setzte fünf Generationen von Fruchtfliegen Hochfrequenzstrahlung aus und zählte die Anzahl von Veränderungen der Flügel der Fruchtfliegen. Sie überprüfte auch die Chromosomen der fünften Generation und verglich sie mit der nicht exponierten Kontrollgruppe. Dabei stellte sie fest, daß 5 Prozent der exponierten Fruchtfliegen Mutationen zeigten, gegenüber 1,5% in der Kontrollgruppe. Weiterhin waren die Änderungen vererbbar, die in der Kontrollgruppe nicht. Die Mutationen traten bei Intensitäten auf, die geringer waren als die von DECT-Telefonen oder Handys. Danna Thomas wurde angeleitet durch Sujata Ives, Lehrer an der Severna Park High School in Annapolis. Sie erhielt den Grand Award von Merck Research Laboratories an der Intel International Science and Engineering Fair 2005, Phoenix, Arizona. |
![]() Das britische Gesundheitsministerium empfiehlt: "Wenn Eltern ihre Kinder vor möglichen Risiken, die erst in der Zukunft erkannt werden könnten, schützen wollen, sollten Sie ihre Kinder Mobiltelefone nicht nutzen lassen." Zusammenfassend wird empfohlen: - In Schulen keine hochfrequenten Sender zu installieren (GSM, UMTS, DECT, WLAN, etc.) - In die Schulordnung ein Gebot aufzunehmen, das die Abschaltung von Handys auf dem Schulgelände vorsieht. - Wenn erforderlich, Kontakt mit dem jeweiligen Mobilfunkbetreiber zur Reduktion der Sendeleistung oder Abbau des Senders aufzunehmen. Dr. med. univ. Gerd Oberfeld Land Salzburg Umweltmedizin siehe auch rudolfsteinerschule
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![]() vsb.bc.ca/ FEBRUARY 2005 Be It Resolved That: A. no further installations of cellular antenna be permitted on any school building or school grounds regularly used by students, and more |
CAMPAIGNING journalist Sir Trevor McDonald's topical Tonight TV show will throw the spotlight on a decade-long fight by parents to get a controversial telecommunications mast removed from the grounds of a Goffs Oak primary school. |
![]() CALIFORNIA Town Gives Brave New World an F When an elementary school required students to wear radio frequency IDs, some parents saw the specter of Big Brother. more see also Modern torture and control Mind control in USA Die Schüler-Kontrolle Elektronische - Kuhglocke - findet Kinder Die ultimative Anwendung für Handys (RFID fit fürs Handy) From: Gotemf@aol.com |
![]() specifically a European group. 1- to Develop a presentation to show to teachers and students in all areas. 2- to network news and events in Europe - more news exposure on school emf if this has been done already please let us know thank you more