Aby ludzie byli zdrowi

Schlafstörungen, Unruhezustände, Lernstörungen bei Kindern, beschleunigtes Krebswachstum, Blutbild- und Erbgutveränderungen, ist das für den Abbau der UMTS-Sender nicht ausreichend?

Es stimmt einfach nicht, daß es "keinen wissenschaftlichen Nachweis für gesundheitliche Gefahren" gibt. Es gibt unzählige seriöse Studien aus dem In- und Ausland, die die Schädlichkeit des gepulsten Mobilfunks beweisen.


"..In this respect, any statement by industry or official sources that claims (or suggests) that:

(a) There is no evidence of ill-health effects from masts; or
(b) The overwhelming evidence is that masts do not cause ill-health effects;
is completely and blatantly untrue."

exDr Grahame Blackwell

see Taddyfone

Prof. Guido Zimmer, Arzt u. Biochemiker, Berater der Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität (Frankfurt am Main)

"Was unser aller Gesundheit belastet und bedroht, kann unmöglich dem Gemeinwohl dienen"

Scientific research concerning human well-being and health in the vicinity of phone masts.

This is an overview of all epidemiologic and provocative research concerning human well-being and health in the vicinity of masts for GSM and UMTS (3G) mobile communication. The object of the research are living humans. This overview does not contain in vitro or in vivo (animals) laboratory research, because they do not give a consistent picture of what happens to people who are exposed permanently to pulsed radiofrequency radiation.


see also "Bisherige Studien zu Schädigungen durch Mobilfunk-Sender"
and (ex) Research Studies done on Microwave Radiation

siehe auch:

"Zur Verharmlosung der gesundheitsrelevanten Wirkung
von EMF auf die funktionellen und körperlichen Prozesse des Menschen"

wazne ! polecam tlumaczenie, wichtig ! important ! Prof. K. Hecht

Naila-Studie | Bamberger Appell | Helsinki Appeal 2005

Schädigungen des Menschen durch Hochfrequenzsender
sind seit Jahrzehnten "Stand des Wissens"
(.pdf, ca.400 kB)-
Dr. Ulrich Warnke, Universität des Saarlandes

Elektrosmog kontrovers
(.pdf, ca.176 kB)- Der Umgang mit gesundheitlichen Risiken in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft
Markus Herrmann, Arzt und Wiss. Mitarbeiter am Institut für Allgemeinmedizin der Charité (Berlin)

Reizthema Mobil- und Kommunikationsfunk aus gesundheitlicher Sicht (.pdf, ca.240 kB)
Dr. Ulrich Warnke, Universität des Saarlandes

Gesicherte Einflüsse EMF - Störung der zentralnervösen Regulation
(.pdf, ca.160 kB)
Prof. Rainer Frentzel-Beyme, IGUMED (Bremen)

Gehirntumore und Leukämien im Umfeld von Rundfunk-/TV-Sendern und Radarstationen
dazu siehe auch Epidemiologie

Studien der Mobilfunksender siehe unten
Die Lehren aus der REFLEX-Studie:
Besitzen hochfrequente elektromagnetische Felder ein genschädigendes Potential?
(.pdf, ca.190 kB) Prof. Dr. Franz X. Adlkofer, Geschäftsführer der Stiftung VERUM (München),

Zusammenfassung des REFLEX-Abschlussberichtes (original, englisch) (.pdf, 19kB)

Zusammenfassung des REFLEX Abschlussberichtes (deutsch) (.pdf, 232kB

Nicht-thermaler Hitzeschock, Auswirkung von Mikrowellen
(.pdf, ca.260 kB)

Final report on the REFLEX

(.pdf, 12 MB!)

and project summary now available


Bisherige Studien zu Schädigungen durch Mobilfunk-Sender (Basisstationen)
Stand April 2006

1 "Universität Gießen und München-Rinderstudie" 2000 (Wenzel et al.) Deutlicher Zusammenhang zwischen EMF und der Gesundheit der Tiere
2 "Santini-Studie" 2002 (Santini et al.)-.pdf, 40 KB Psycho-Neuro-Vegetative Störungen
3 "Universität Wien-Studie" 2002 (Kundi)- .pdf, 116 KB, First Edition
"Universität Wien-Studie" 2006 (Kundi)- .pdf, 218 KB, Second Edition
Herz-Kreislauf-Probleme im Umkreis von Basisstationen, Psycho-Neuro-Vegetative Störungen
4 "Universität Valencia-Studie" 2002
(Navarro et al.)- .doc, 134 KB
Psycho-Neuro-Vegetative Störungen
5 "Niederländische Regierungs-Studie" 2003 (TNO Laboratory, The Hague, NL)- .pdf, 438 KB Psycho-Neuro-Vegetative Störungen
6 "Landesregierung Salzburg-Studie" 2005 (Oberfeld, Schimke, Bernatzky, Gernot) Signifikante Veränderungen unterschiedlicher EEG-Parameter, verschiedene vegetative und zentralnervöse Störungen
7 "La Nora, Murcia-Studie" 2004 (Oberfeld et al.)- .pdf, 980 KB Psycho-Neuro-Vegetative Störungen
8 "Naila-Mobilfunk-Senderstudie" 2004 (Eger et al.) .pdf, 96,5 KB; in English .pdf, 371 KB Dreifache Zunahme von Krebsfällen
9 "Usfie, Hebrew-University-Studie" 2004 (AbuRuken et al.): Psycho-Neuro-Vegetative Störungen, Zunahme Krebsfälle
10 "Tel-Aviv-University, Medical Center-Studie" 2004 (Wolf et al.)- .pdf, 111 KB in Deutsch .pdf, 46 KB Vierfache Zunahme von Krebsfällen

neu hinzu | Ärzte | Interphone | 60 Krebscluster | 60 Krebscluster2,old | 60 Krebscluster3,old | 60 Krebscluster4,old | 60 Krebscluster5,old | 60 Krebscluster6,old | 60 Krebscluster7,old | 60 Krebscluster8,old | 60 Krebscluster9,old | 60 Krebscluster10,old | 60 Krebscluster11,old | 60 Krebscluster12,old | Umrechner | Grenzwerte | prywatnie do WHO | persönlich an WHO | one's own opinion to WHO | Who - Repacholi Advice To Governments / WHO-Repacholi Ratschläge für Regierungen | Time To Stop the WHO Charade | Plakate der Wiener Ärztekammer wichtig! | Freiburger Appell, Übergabe an Repacholi | Treffen bei der EU Kommission | Wieder 2 neue Ärzteappelle | Diffamierung von Wissenschaftler | Ärztliche Dok. von Gesundheitschäden durch EM HF | Four children attending and live near the school have developed neuroblastoma | Wahnsinn Mobilfunk, Betroffene berichten | Israel, 2005, the 34th soldier committed suicide | Studien zu Kinder und Handystrahlung | Liverpool, Buckley Hill, Sefton, largest cancer cluster in the UK ? | Cell phone headaches and EHS | USA, Lloyd Morgan, Director of the Central Brain Tumour Registry of the US: Cordless Phones Radiation Causes Brain Tumors | US FDA to review wireless phone safety | Why won't he just recommend phones as cancer prevention therapy | Industry news on the cell phone study | Setting the record straight about Johansen's mindless blather | Denkhemmer sind Denkhammer | Prof. Semm: Jeder sollte sich ansehen, wer Auftraggeber dieser Forschungen ist. | Now, after years we got the first TV Information about the cancer in THÜRINGEN | Interphone- British study is heavily flawed

suchen | WHO reagiert auf Forderungen | WHO fordert zur Beteiligung | EMF und Brustkrebs | Volksleiden: 40 Prozent der Deutschen schlafen schlecht | Alarm im Ohr | Die Fälschungen der Ergebnisse | Häufungen von Krebs | Bemerkungen zur Adlkofer REFLEX-STUDIE | Wird Elektrosmog verharmlost? | Müde? Handy-Strahlung hypnotisiert das Gehirn | Präventivmittel gegenüber EMF-Wirkungen | Vielen Dank Herr Dr. Kohl und Frau Merkel | EU will mehr Schutz vor Elektrosmog | Tierversuche sind Affenschande | Re:Tierversuche sind Affenschande | WHO: Menschen als Versuchskaninchen? | Zunehmende Krebserkrankungen bei Jugendlichen | Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigungen durch Elektrosmog | Neuer Zündstoff für Diskussion über Handy-Gefahr | Zusammenhang zwischen niederfrequenten Magnetfeldern und Brustkrebs | Funk schädigt DNA | Regierung kann nicht mehr länger wegsehen | Einfluss der Mobilfunkbelastung auf die Retikulocytenreifung | Blutreihenuntersuchung in Neustadt | Neuer Ansatz | Mitteilung von Prof. Dr. Klitzing | Mobilphone industry wants to stop publication of the REFLEX-Study | Workshop on Biological Effects of EMF, Kos | Association of mobile phone radiation with fatigue, headache, dizziness, tension and sleep disturbance in Saudi population | Microwaves can damage DNA and increase risk of tumours, study shows | Final report on the REFLEX | German company called G-Hanz introduced a new type of mobile phone | Studie: Handymast stört Schlaf | Bisherige Studien zu Schädigungen durch Mobilfunk-Sender (Basisstationen) | REFLEX Studie - aktuelle Situation | Cancer studies from Prof. Olle Johansson and Dr. Örjan Hallberg | Strahlung von Mobilfunksende-Anlagen beeinflussen Gehirnströme | Cell phone base stations change brain currents and cause unwellness | Adlkofer's study from REFLEX | Weitere Teilstudie im Rahmen des Europäischen REFLEX-Projekts. | A preliminary study on ultra high frequency electromagnetic fields effect on black locust chlorophylls. | Voruntersuchung zur Wirkung elektromagnetischer Felder sehr hoher Frequenzen auf das Chlorophyll | Tumour risk for rural mobile users ! | SAR ? the present protection standards are illogical and nonrealiazable. | Scientific research concerning human well-being and health in the vicinity of phone masts. | van Velden to Szmigielski, Trzaska versus Kwee | Szmigielski to Johansson, New! Polish national report of EMF safety | Association between childhood leukaemia and high voltage power lines | Das Verhältnis zwischen Leukämie-Risiko bei Kindern und Hochspannungsleitungen | Motorola Funded Counter Research on Microwave DNA Damage | We have absolute proof positive of the harmful effects of EM radiation on living systems. | Von Krampfanfällen bei Kleinkindern und von Belastungen durch Mobilfunk und Schnurlostelefon | Israeli experts committee on power lines | The issue of power lines | How the study on power lines was presented on TV | Cell phones and eyesight | Prof Hardell new study | SAR ? the present protection standards are illogical and nonrealiazable; De - Ergänzung | Exposure assessment of ELF magnetic fields in urban environments in Extremadura (Spain) | New Italian study: Cell phone and brain function | From Dr. John Walker | My hypothesis on TETRA and esophagus cancer | A new study from WHO EMF Project | Forthcoming Review on Electrosensitivity | A serious mistake | Do radiofrequency energy fields cause cancer?, Part 1+2+3 | Microwaves from GSM Mobile Telephones Affect in Human Lymphocytes from Hypersensitive and Healthy Persons | Chinese scientists have joined the growing number of researchers | Microwave Radiation on the Intact Eye Lens | Ireland, Electrical Sensitivity, Report for the HPA Belfast | When Enough Is Never Enough | Nonthermal microwave radiations affect the hypersensitive response of tobacco to tobacco mosaic virus. | Can mobiles cause depression? | Dr. Blackwell: Teddyfone | WHO fact sheet "EHS" research papers | WHO is the Myths Manufacturer? | Prof. Adlkofer response to Mrs Atzmon's email | ICNIRP responds to an Israeli journalist | The Schwarzenburg Shut-Down Study | compare - Bundesweite Melatoninstudie - | Anti-aging care: do not use mobile telephon ! | Intensive Mobilfunknutzung führte in Ägypten zu einer Studie über vorzeitiges Altern | Hardell Feb 2006 Cell phones | Free access, prof Johansson's new papers | Who funds this psychiatry -mobile phone unit?? | Iris Atzmon: wouldn't it be interesting to add the cell phone variable into this study: Headaches in Sweden | Sianette Kwee: radiation damage in norwegian children - satisfaction at last | Dr. Anthony Barker said | Hardell L, Carlberg M, Hansson Mild K., Pooled analysis of two case-control studies in 1997-2003, Update | Dr. Sadezki separate the Swedish study from the INTERPHONE | Are the experts lying ? | Be careful, studies from Vodafone and Co. | Frans van Velden, comment to article by Rubin et al. (Vodafone-WHO) | Kundi, second edition: headaches | More Kundi against Vodafone-WHO | Rubins et al provocation study- further comments

Rubins et al provocation study- further comments

April 21, 2006
From: "Clas Tegenfeldt" tegen von

A dual band GMSM telephone can have an transmitter power of 0,002 W up to 2 Watts. The SAR of some GSM telephones reach 2 W/kg, if we assume this happens when the phone transmitts 2 W then we would have 0,002 W/kg when the phone transmitts at its lowest level. Thus the sham exposure in the report is about the same as when someone is talking in a GSM telephone near a basestation (thus the lowest transmitted power).

This happens for indoor GSM systems as well as macro cells (if you are some hundred meters from the basestation). The difference reported in the study is 1,4 W/kg and 0,002 W/kg for exposure and sham respectively, that is less than a factor of thousand I used above. It is therefore HIGHLY questionable that the SHAM exposure can be regarded as such! If there would be a clear cut threshold for symptoms provoked by the exposure that happened to be between the 0,002 and 2 W/kg exposures then - maybe - the study would have given some information.

But, it is also possible, and also more probable, that the sham exposure (like talking in a GSM phone at lowest power) is above the threshold and therefore CANNOT be considered a SHAM exposure. The reported fact (see fig. 2 in report) that symptoms increased even during "sham" exposure is a dead giveaway that the "sham" exposure wasn´t sham!

The subjects gave a baseline for symptoms after 30 minutes in the enviroment, but still: their symptoms started to increase even during sham for 50 minutes and then started to decline after stopping the exposure! Rubin et. al. makes a point of this "interesting fact" but have completely missed the obvious!

If one assumes that all three exposure conditions are exposured (no sham) the graph (fig.2) make more sense. It is also highly questionable that the sham exposure was due to technical constraints, it is NOT a hard task modifying a GSM phone (or other RF exposure device) such that the leakage is well below their stated "SHAM" of 0,002 W/kg.

From a technical viewpoint the "sham" exposure of 0,002 W/kg is totally unnecessary and unmotivated. The motivation for the sham exposure is "heat", but is that a justifiable motivation?

One can simply add a thermal resistance powered by a DC voltage instead!!!!!! Such a resistor costs just about what one second of laboratory time costs...

Clas Tegenfeldt BEMI Tornevalla Gamla Skola S-590 62 LINGHEM, SWEDEN tegen zu, Telephone +46 (0)13-74 000

More Kundi against Vodafone-WHO


Michael Kundi

exfrom Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 113, Number 3, March 2005

"Epidemiology of Health Effects of Radiofrequency Exposure"

In a recently
published review (Kundi et al. 2004) on mobile phone use and cancer, we concluded that

Epidemiological studies that approached reasonable latencies [time period between first exposure and diagnosis] consistently observed elevated risk for the development of neoplastic diseases.

This assessment is distinctly different from the main message of the review from the International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP; Ahlbom et al. 2004). The authors stated that

Results of these studies to date give no consistent or convincing evidence of a causal relation between RF [radiofrequency field] exposure and any adverse health effect.

Although the use of subjective terms is sometimes unavoidable in the context of risk assessment (e.g., to evaluate sufficiency of evidence), the decision whether or not it evidence is "convincing" should be left to the reader. Furthermore, what constitutes consistent evidence or the lack of it is unclear when the scope is as broad as the authors implied in their reference to a "causal relation between RF exposure and any adverse health effect."

This review of epidemiologic evidence addressed the issue of causation without any consideration of the concept of causation in epidemiology, and it failed in its essential task to assess the possible association between exposure to RF and health. Concerning cancer, Moolgavkar and Luebeck (2003) have shown that agents that increase the growth rate of preneoplastic cells may have a distinctly greater impact on cancer incidence than agents that induce malignant transformation. However, this holds only for agents that act for prolonged periods of time. Regarding the natural history of cancer, a noticeable effect at the population level will only occur many years (and possibly decades) after first contact with the promoting agent. Although Ahlbom et al. (2004) pointed to the insufficient latencies in epidemiologic studies, they did not draw the straightforward conclusion--to assess the relationship between the latencies covered in the studies and their outcome.

Although there is agreement between Ahlbom et al. (2004) and us (Kundi 2004; Kundi et al. 2004) that epidemiologic studies of RF/microwave exposure generally have deficiencies concerning exposure assessment, we must not ignore that the consequence of exposure misclassification is predominantly a bias of risk estimates towards the zero hypothesis.

Another aspect that has contributed to, in our view, the inappropriate assessment of evidence is their view about the end points of the investigations. Among malignancies studied so far, the most heterogeneous group are brain tumors that comprise benign as well as malignant neoplasms with grossly different cellular origin, growth behavior, and fate. Until now no risk factor for brain tumors has firmly been established except ionizing radiation for meningeoma and menigeal sarcoma and less consistently for other brain tumors. Regarding brain tumors of high malignancy, little is known about induction periods and the steps necessary to reach the final invasive state; however, case reports of glioma after sellar irradiation (Simmons and Laws 1998) suggest an average induction period of about 10 years. Therefore, because exposure started too late for an effect during initiation and because proliferation is too fast for an effect on growth rate, brain tumors of highest malignancy must be studied very thoroughly in relation to latency, which was not the case for most of the studies published so far. Disregarding these conditions will strongly dilute any possible effect.

Except for insufficient latency, other sources of possible bias were mentioned by Ahlbom et al. (2004), but again without consideration of the consequences on risk indicators. Ahlbom et al. (2004) stated that

Several of these studies did not follow workers after they left the job of interest (Garland et al. 1990; Grayson 1996; Szmigielski 1996), with the potential for bias if individuals left employment because of health problems that subsequently turned out to be due to cancer....

The presence of this bias in these studies would have reduced the power in the case of no relation between exposure and the likelihood of leaving employment due to early signs of the target disease, or it would have led to a bias of risk estimates in the direction determined by the sign of the correlation between exposure and leaving service. It is quite likely that this correlation is positive because early signs of brain tumors will create problems in radio operators and also in personnel operating and maintaining radar equipment. Hence, the consequence of the bias is either reduction in the precision or inflation of risk estimates.

The author declares he has no competing financial interests.

Michael Kundi

Institute of Environmental Health
Center of Public Health
Medical University of Vienna
Vienna, Austria
E-mail: Michael.Kundi an


Ahlbom A, Green A, Kheifets L, Savitz D, Swerdlow A. 2004. Epidemiology of health effects of radiofrequency exposure. Environ Health Perspect 112: 1741-1754; doi:10.1289/ehp.7306 [online 23 September 2004]

Garland FC, Shaw E, Gorham ED, Garland CF, White MR, Sinsheimer PJ. 1990. Incidence of leukemia in occupations with potential electromagnetic field exposure in United States Navy personnel. Am J Epidemiol 132:293-303.

Grayson JK. 1996. Radiation exposure, socioeconomic status, and brain tumor risk in the US Air Force: a nested case-control study. Am J Epidemiol 143:480-486.

Kundi M. 2004. Mobile phone use and cancer. Occup Environ Med 61:560-570.

Kundi M, Hansen Mild K, Hardell L, Mattsson MO. 2004. Mobile telephones and cancer--a review of epidemiological evidence. J Toxicol Envrion Health Part B 7:351-384.

Moolgavkar SH, Luebeck EG. 2003. Multistage carcinogenesis and the incidence of human cancer. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 38:302-306.

Simmons NE, Laws ER Jr. 1998. Glioma occurrence after sellar irradiation: case report and review. Neurosurgery 42:172-178.

Szmigielski S. 1996. Cancer morbidity in subjects occupationally exposed to high frequency (radiofrequency and microwave) electromagnetic radiation. Sci Total Environ 180:9-17.

Epidemiology of Radiofrequency Exposure: Ahlbom et al. Respond

We thank Kundi for his comments on our review of the epidemiologic literature on health effects of radiofrequency exposure (Ahlbom et al. 2004). He points out, quite correctly, that our assessment of the literature differs from the one he and colleagues have made in a previous review (Kundi et al. 2004). We do, however, stand by our judgment that the literature we reviewed offers little support for a causal relation between radiofrequency exposure and disease risk. Although quality of research varies, most of the studies we reviewed were methodologically limited and more rigorous studies are needed. It is obviously impossible to tell what more sophisticated research along the lines suggested by Kundi, and also by ourselves, will reveal in the future. We certainly agree that consideration of latency and various types of bias is important and, indeed, we did consider these at some length in our review.

The authors declare they have no competing financial interests.

(webmaster umtsno: authors belong together to ICNIRP-MAFIA -
funded by the mobile telecommunications industry)

Anders Ahlbom

Instititute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet
Stockholm, Sweden

Adele Green

Queensland Institute of Medical Research
Brisbane Australia

Leeka Kheifets

School of Public Health
University of California at Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California

David Savitz

School of Public Health
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Anthony Swerdlow
Institute of Cancer Research
Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom


Ahlbom A, Green A, Kheifets L, Savitz D, Swerdlow A. Epidemiology of health effects of radiofrequency exposure. Environ Health Perspect 112:1741-1754 (2004).

Kundi M, Mild K, Hardell L, Mattsson MO. Mobile telephones and cancer--a review of epidemiological evidence. J Toxicol Environ Health B Crit Rev 7:351-384 (2004).


Effects that occur independently of the fear of the subjects about the bases station affecting their health: headaches, cold hands or feet and difficulties in concentrating, for example.

Subjective symptoms, sleeping problems, and cognitive performance in subjects living near mobile phone base stations

H-P Hutter, H Moshammer, P Wallner, M Kundi
New Edition
, .pdf, 218 KB, Second Edition, compare First Edition

Frans van Velden, comment to 'Are some people sensitive to mobile phone signals?'

I thought it would be only fair to let the author know about these comments,
regards Iris.

(the full document, 15.04.06 by Rubin, .pdf, 183,3 KB)
to compare with: WHO fact sheet "EHS" research papers from 17 Dec 2005
Rubin, et al, 17.12.05, the full document .pdf, 78 KB

----- Original Message -----
From: Frans van Velden
April 16, 2006 1:49 PM
Comment to article by Rubin,

press release

The article 'Are some people sensitive to mobile phone signals?'
by Rubin c.s. was published recently in British Medical Journal (15 April 2006 in BMJ 2006;332:886-891, doi:10.1136/bmj.38765.519850.55)
(to be found exhere

Frans van Velden MSc

Rubin et al. define electromagnetic sensitivity as a condition in which symptoms are reported AFTER perceived exposure. This is not the definition of electromagnetic (hyper)sensitivity (EHS). EHS is a condition in which symptoms are reported as related to and attributed to exposure to electromagnetic fields (WHO factsheet 296, to be found exhere.)

The afflicted persons perceive symptoms and not exposure. The latter is impossible, since EHS and non-EHS individuals cannot detect exposure.

It has been suggested that symptoms might arise from environmental factors unrelated to electromagnetic fields. There are some indications that symptoms may be due to worries about health effects of electromagnetic fields, rather than the exposure itself. Some studies suggest that reactivity in the central nervous system and imbalance in the autonomic nervous system in EHS afflicted tend to be outside the normal range (WHO factsheet 296). The suggestion of Rubin, that perceived exposure is the cause of symptoms, is contradictionary to 'Whatever its cause ...' (WHO factsheet 296).

Usually EHS is assumed on the basis of single-blind experiences, exposure is confirmed afterwards by environmental data or measurements. According to WHO factsheet 296 no scientific basis currently (i.e. December 2005) exists for a connection between EHS and electromagnetic fields. This is under discussion. High frequency electromagnetic fields have proven effects on biological systems. They intensify the neuronal activity, influence the cerebral bloodflow and brain activity, damage DNA and indications that they cause headaches are concrete
(Report for T-Mobile, Jülich Institute, 9 May 2005, to be found exhere).

Rubin et al. write "Participants were exposed to .. a sham exposure with no signal present" (Abstract, Intervention). This is contradictionary to their clarification "For the sham exposure, a continuous wave signal was generated .. only a minimal leakage of this signal occurred (SAR < 0,002 W/kg)"
(Methods, Exposures). It means Rubin et al. answered the research question beforehand. They assumed people are not sensitive to a signal when the SAR is less than 0,002 W/kg. David Bücher from Darmstadt already made clear that 2 mW/kg is even above the SAR during the exposure phase of the study by Zwamborn et al. in 2003
(rapid response to be found exhere).

Figure 2 of Rubin et al. (to be found exhere, the time scale is not constant) shows results of the provocation. It does not give all the information about the different densities and structures of the electromagnetic fields, but the growth and decline of the headache severities are consistent. After 50 minutes the results are the same for self-declared sensitive people and self-declared non-sensitive people. The severities however are different. Without any knowledge of the densities and structures of the electromagnetic fields this is exactly what would be expected with an open mind.

Rubin et al. confirm that the symptoms were not trivial. They are puzzled by the results. Did some inadequacy exist in the methods? The sensitivity of the visual analogue scales and the statistical techniques did not have any short-comings. However, they overlook one simple, uncomplicated explanation: the SAR is not an indicator of how worse the scenario. A 'sham' signal with 0,002 W/kg triggered about the same headache severity as a GSM-signal with 1,4 W/kg. This corresponds with people reporting being sensitive to mobile phones at distances of one metre or more. Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, former head of the WHO, reported headaches by stand-by mobile phones closer than four metres, abating until half an hour after the phones were turned off (Aud Dalsegg, Dagbladet Norge, 9 March 2002).

Instead Rubin et al. choose a vague and complicated explanation, the nocebo ('I will harm') effect. Again, they answer the research question beforehand, by the assumption that all exposures do not cause symptoms. However, the nocebo effect can not fully explain the results. The headaches of the self-declared non-sensitive people can not be attributed to a nocebo effect, since these people do not believe a mobile phone can do harm. The growth and decline of the headache severities of the non-sensitive people are not random, they show the same pattern as of the sensitive people, the only difference is less severity.

A nocebo effect would imply a difference between the two groups. Rubin et al. did not find any difference from the questionnaires or demographic data.

There is no indication of different behaviour, lifestyle, personality. No indication of a different attitude to modern electromagnetic equipment. Many self-declared sensitive people have a positive attitude to mobile communication and were early adaptors. According to Rubin et al. it is interesting that symptom severity increased during exposition. A nocebo effect indeed would produce a different picture. Nocebo effects are usually vague. Figure 2 is not vague at all.

In medicine, a nocebo effect means people re-label existing ailments as side effects of their medication (Arthur Barsky). This means people who have headaches, whatever the cause, start to attribute them to mobile phone use. So, the self-declared sensitive people should report headaches before and in between of mobile phone use too. The headaches should stay away when using a mobile phone and being told there is no field (placebo effect). Nocebo is a learning process. The attribution of a headache to a mobile phone call is rather unlikely, since it is a positive experience to be able to communicate with other people freely.

Instead of accepting the simple and straightforward explanation (electromagnetic fields cause headaches) Rubin et al. walk into the swamp of nocebo and placebo effects.

Why? Rubin: "Right. There was no difference in symptom severity between our sham condition and the active conditions which were approximately 700 times stronger. I think that's quite good evidence that it wasn't the RF (radio frequency) that was causing the symptoms."

Simplified, Rubin says a train driving 4.5 km/hour can not hurt anybody, because it has 700 times less energy than a train driving 110 km/hour. The effect of the first train is nocebo, so the effect of the second train is also nocebo. If people who do not think a train can hurt are hit, they also suffer from nocebo effects.

The interaction of electromagnetic fields and biological systems is not like that. There is an abundance of sources, producing together the environmental factor electromagnetic fields, with local density and structure (frequencies, modulations) variable in time. There are many people with different sensitivities to different effects, therefore suffering from different consequences. Rubin et al. have been found coherent results by provocation.

They found evidence that the concrete indications that electromagnetic fields cause headaches are true. People who ignore this, are suffering from a nolebo ('I don't want to') effect.

Correspondence to fransp to

Be careful, studies from Vodafone and Co.
Like a powerful light bulb or bad easter eggs..

from Christine Doyle

Commenting on a separate protest earlier this month, a Vodafone spokeswoman, said it did not matter whether the masts were 1m or 1,000m away from residents - it was "all about power levels".

Vodafone spokeswoman on masts:
"We're talking about a power level of 150 watts, which is a bit like a powerful light bulb," she said.

Prof. Dr. Peter Semm : Jeder sollte sich ansehen, wer Auftraggeber dieser Forschungen ist. Eine gesunde Skepsis ist angebracht, weil eben so viele Fehler gemacht werden. Und auch, weil das Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz keinen - wie von mir vorgeschlagen - öffentlichen Versuch haben wollte, der die athermischen Reaktionen hätte belegen können.(Interview vom 13.4.06)

jointly funded by the mobile telecommunications industry:

Risk of cancer from mobile phones is unclear, .pdf, 74 KB
Caroline White London

The biggest risk to health from mobile phones is using them while driving, .pdf, 67 KB
Brains and mobile phones

Are some people sensitive to mobile phone signals? Within participants double blind randomised provocation study, .pdf, 183,3 KB
G James Rubin, Gareth Hahn, Brian S Everitt, Anthony J Cleare, Simon Wessely

Funding: This study was funded by the Programme Management Committee (PMC) of the Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research (MTHR) programme (, an independent body set up to provide funding for research into the possible health effects of mobile telecommunications. The MTHR is itself jointly funded by the UK Department of Health and the mobile telecommunications industry.

to compare with: WHO fact sheet "EHS" research papers from 17 Dec 2005

Are the experts lying?

7 Apr 2006
from: Iris Atzmon

Maria Feychting from the ICNIRP said to the Swedish major morning newspaper about prof' Hardell's study: "Several studies have been published with long-term users, but so far, no other have observed an increased risk"

"- Det har publicerats flera studier med långtidsanvändare, men det är ingen annan som ser en ökad risk, säger Maria Feychting, professor i epidemiologi vid Karolinska Institutet."

But she herself found in her own study: "our data suggest an increased risk of acoustic neuroma associated with mobile phone use of at least 10 years' duration"

Lonn S, Ahlbom A, Hall P, Feychting M. Related Articles, Links
Mobile phone use and the risk of acoustic neuroma.
Epidemiology. 2004 Nov;15(6):653-9.
PMID: 15475713 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

umtsno: see also "First Evidence Of Brain Abnormalities Found In Pathological Liars"

Dr. Sadezki separate the Swedish study from the INTERPHONE

Iris Atzmon
Sun, 2 Apr 2006

Yediot Ahronot (the most distributed newspaper in Israel, p. 14, on 1/3 page) and the radio interviewed Dr. Sigal Sadezki (Israeli INTERPHONE representative) about the new study from Sweden. It is expected to see her interviewed about it also in the evening news today on TV stations.

A study: long phone conversations cause cancer by Rivka Freilich Yediot Ahronot 2.4.06

Speaking on the cell phone or cordless phone during 1 hour a day, for several years, raises the risk for brain cancer in 240% . This is what a big study done at the university hospital in Orbero Sweden shows.

The study was done during the years 1997-2003 and checked the cell phone use among 2200 cancer patients and among a similar number of controls. Among the cancer patients, at the age of 20-80, 905 had malignant brain tumors and one tenth of them were heavy users of cell or cordless phones.
"This is the biggest study done ever" said prof Lennart Hardell who led the project.

The study clearly showed that the danger to get a brain tumor is higher at the same part of the brain where you out the phone during the conversation. He expressed confidence that the study would bring a wave of criticism: 'It is always like this when the results point to a direction in contrast to powerful economic interests".

Dr. Sigal Sadezki said that "this is the scientific study with the most severe results that were received until now about the link between cellular phones use and malignant brain tumors".

According to her, although there were doubts about the scientific results of this researcher in the past, the current study went through a check according to all the scientific rules, and there is a need to relate to his conclusions. "Until today, most studies didn't find a significant connection between conversation hours and malignant tumors" explains Dr. Sadezki. We're talking about a study which found that users above 2000 hours suffered more from malignant tumors in relation to people who didn't use cell phone.

"We have to remember that we are still in an era of uncertainty with regard to the health effects of the cellular radiation, and this is because not enough time has passed yet since the start of use with this technology. That's the reason we should not lighten the results of this study. There's a need to use speakers, ear pieces and to minimize putting it close to the head".

On the radio, very brief summary:

Dr. Sigal Sadezki was asked by the interviewer to detail the results of the new Swedish study, and she did it, she emphasized these are malignant tumors, she detailed the levels of the risk for users, but the first thing she insisted doing is to separate the Swedish study from the INTERPHONE, she emphasized on the radio, that the Swedish study is not the bottom line study of the subject, but the INTERPHONE will be much larger and more important, and we should all wait for it (another two months, she promised.

She promised the same amount of time also one year ago, btw). And she also emphasized that also the INTERPHONE will not give the final results, that we need to wait 30 more years in order to get the final results, the INTERPHONE results will refelect, according to her, the picture that we have until now.

Naturally, the media coverage attracted a lot of interest in the public, and at the bottom line, the message is passed: the results were passed to the public, and Dr. Sigal Sadezki herself helped them to get through, which is very nice indeed for someone, who represents the cellular companies.

see also "It is an absurd to publish the Interphone fraud as a serious study"

more comments from Israel

Dr. Anthony Barker said

that no robust scientific basis exists for controversies over the construction and siting of base stations (masts) or for worries that handsets may give off dangerous radiation.

9 Mar 2006 22:57:37

Dear professor Barker,

There have been a lot of information circulating on the internet with regard to your latest media interview about cellular antennas. I attach the info below. What is the scientific basis for the claims you made in the British media, that masts studies showed they are safe?
Can you give references** for mast studies, that base your claim: "There have been several studies over the years on mobile phone masts, nearly all of them have concluded there is no evidence they pose a health risk to humans".

Thank you,
Iris Atzmon
March 03, 2006 10:41 PM
Request for studies reference

Dear Professor Barker,

I have read your latest interview about the absence of risk from cell phone masts. I thank you in advance if you can write/ direct me to several studies that are the basis for your claim, so I can calm myself and others with evidence based data.

Thank you
Iris Atzmon.

Take a look at the enclosed information in this e-mail with regards to Professor Anthony Barker and look at the amount of money he's receiving from the MTHR, also look at Professor Bakers comments on the BBC website following his recent visit to Ulster University, his statement is at the bottom of the MTHR project details on the BBC website.

Professor Barker say's there is 'No evidence' of mast health risk.

There is evidence that people are developing EHS symptoms, sleep problems, nose bleeds, 'radiation sickness' and cancer clusters are appearing around phone masts after long term exposure. People who are suffering or who have sadly died have a right to be represented and should not be forgotten or ridiculed and should be remembered and treated with dignity.

Professor Baker said there are no concerns about TV transmitters, the Dolk et al study provided evidence of cancer clusters around the Sutton Coldfield TV transmitter, Sutton Coldfield is now one of the largest hotspots in the world for breast cancer, I should know 'I live here, I am part of the breast cancer support group' and have lost some of my dearest friends to this terrible disease. The Dolk study has been ignored and buried and cancer has been allowed to develop out of control as a result. Also look at the Hocking et al study around a TV transmitter in Australia.

If Professor Baker is an expert, how can he have missed important studies such as these?

See enclosed:
(see here also)

Hocking and colleagues published a paper in the Medical Journal of Australia which found an association between proximity of residence to TV towers and increased incidence of and mortality from childhood leukemia (1). Dolk et al in the United Kingdom have also published two papers on the same subject (2,3). To discuss these works requires an understanding of the scientific discipline called epidemiology.

**Dr. Barker's references:

Project Title:
The effects of mobile phone radiation on blood pressure
Start Date:
August 2002
Expected Date of Completion:
January 2006
£ 364,000
Project Team:
Dr. P.R. Jackson, University of Sheffield
Dr. G.G. Cook, University of Sheffield
Dr. L.A. Coulton, University of Sheffield
Professor Barker is a consultant clinical scientist and has carried out research into the biological effects of electromagnetic fields, ranging from weak static fields to the clinical uses of large magnetic field pulses, for over twenty-five years. He chairs the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) Policy Advisory Group on the biological effects of electromagnetic fields.
Principal Investigator:
Professor Anthony T. Barker
Contact Details:
Department of Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering
Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Glossop Road
Sheffield, S10 2JF, UK.

From: Eileen O'Connor
March 07, 2006 10:59 PM
Professor Anthony T. Barker paid by MTHR

Mobiles and masts - 'No more dangerous than TV transmitters'

There is no evidence to suggest mobile phone masts or handsets present a ticking time-bomb health hazard, an expert claimed today. By:Press Association
Base stations near residential areas have been the subject of community protests across the UK but they are no more dangerous than television or radio transmitters, an audience at the University of Ulster was told. Dr. Anthony Barker said: "There is no reason to expect mobile phone signals - which are essentially low-powered radio transmissions - to be bad for health. "For over 80 years we have

Consultant Clinical Scientist
Department of Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering
Royal Hallamshire Hospital
Glossop Road
Sheffield S10 2JF
United Kingdom

Tel: 0114 271 2370
Fax: 0114 271 3403
Dr. Anthony T. Barker

Consultant Clinical Scientist at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital and Honorary Lecturer at the University of Sheffield. Interested in all aspects of magnetic stimulation.

Dr. Barker has been active in Medical Physics / Clinical Engineering research for over 25 years. His main areas of interest include physiological measurement, electrophysiology, medical uses of electromagnetic fields and the possible health hazards associated with low level fields from sources such as overhead power cables and mobile phones. Tony led the team which developed the technique of magnetic nerve stimulation whereby large magnetic field pulses are used to induce currents in the human body and stimulate nerves. This technique is widely used throughout the world, particularly to stimulate the brain, which it does without discomfort. There is presently much interest in the possible use of magnetic stimulation as a therapy for depression and other psychiatric disorders. Tony is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine and of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, whose working party on the biological effects of electromagnetic fields he chairs. He is a past Silvanus P. Thompson and Faraday lecturer.
accepted wireless transmissions as part of our everyday life. "We have big TV and broadcast radio transmitters all around us. "Then, when someone proposes putting up a base station - which is also a radio transmitter - we all suddenly become concerned." The consultant clinical scientist has spent more than three decades researching the biological effects of electromagnetic fields. He told students and academics at the university's Coleraine campus people did not question the erection of powerful TV transmitters even though they would expose them to similar fields. Dr. Barker said: "A watt is the unit of power transmission. "A big TV transmitter could emit half-a-million watts. "This is 10,000 times more powerful than a typical 50-watt base station, but because they are further away we somehow feel that they expose us to less than the nearby base station. "This is often not so." Earlier this year, the largest study completed on mobile use and brain tumour risks suggested there was no link between the two. But research, published in the British Medical Journal, said that mobile phones had only been in widespread use for about 10 years, meaning the long-term effects were still unknown. Dr. Barker, who is based at the Department of Medical Physics of Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, today claimed the close proximity of mobile phone masts to homes and schools actually reduced the power emitted by mobiles. He said: "Handsets transmit a maximum power of one quarter of a watt. "But, because they are close to the head, the signals passing into the body from a handset are usually one thousand to one million times stronger than those from a base station. "If a base station is near, the handset lowers the power it transmits to conserve battery life - it 'shouts' less loudly. "Consequently, having a local base station when using a handset can actually reduce the exposure a person receives." Dr. Barker said there was no scientific evidence of any biological effects from low-level radio signals. He added: "Whilst scientists never claim to be infallible, I don't think there are grounds to worry about living close to base stations. "If individuals are concerned about the signals from handsets, they can obviously choose not to use them, or can decrease their personal exposure by using a hands-free kit. "But if, as a society, we want to be able to use our mobile phones everywhere, then we can't avoid having base stations all around us." Although mobile phones have been available in the UK since 1985, they did not become widely used until the late 1990s. More than 40 million people in the UK are thought to use mobile phones, including many children.

How appropriate that this press release quoting professor Barker’s "phone masts are safe" comment appears in the media on the same day the private members 'phone masts planning control bill' is being debated in parliament?

Dr. Barker stated that people are 'misinformed' about the proof the phone masts are dangerous.
He mentions nothing about where the 'proof' is that the masts are safe though does he?

It seems the only people 'misinformed' on the subject is Dr. Barker since he obviously hasn’t read the National radiological protection board’s 2004 report which clearly states the potential health risks from microwave radiation.

The Dr. states that his comments are based on technology over 30 years old - not very convincing since the NRPB in 2004 stated "technologies are continuing to develop at a pace which is outstripping analyses of any potential impact on health". The professors comments are ludicrous considering the new pulsed microwave technology is only a few years old as stated by the NRPB.

The new third generation technology uses bi-directional 'pulsed Microwaves' which have a very different effect on the human body than unidirectional radio waves in the lower frequency spectrum. 

There have been hundreds of studies over the last few years on electro-magnetic radiation from mobile phone masts, and every single one cannot rule out that a risk to human health exists, particularly if the human subject is chronically exposed to the microwaves in close proximity to the source (as with the new third generation phone masts).

The Dr. cannot back up his argument with one single scientific reference that phone masts are safe, so the article wouldn’t convince anyone except perhaps his attendant audience.

It’s time the professor stepped out of his time-machine and brought himself up to date with new scientific studies that indicate more research is needed and that until then we should all adopt a precautionary approach by siting new microwave antennas away from schools, hospitals and homes.

Finally, I suggest Dr. Barker removes his blinkers and reads what the Irish Doctors' Environmental Association (IDEA) think about Electro-magnetic radiation as that from masts by visiting the website below…

Gary Galloway on Mar 04, 2006

Sianette Kwee: radiation damage in norwegian children - satisfaction at last

19 Jan 2006

The risk to be a father to a stillborn or deformed baby is four times higher for men in the Norwegian Navy serving on vessels that are involved in electronic warfare as compared to other men.

This was shown in a study published last Tuesday. Out of all men serving on the torpedo boat Kvikk during the 1990s, 50 out of the 62 men that responded to a questionnaire became a parent. They got in total 114 children, of which 87 were conceived during their service on board this vessel. Among these children, 8 children were born with malformed bones and muscles or heart and brain deformations, while 6 were stillborn. This is a fourfold doubling of what occurs in a normal population.

After a 15 years' long an! d stubborn struggle against the Norwegian Navy and authorities, the deformed childrens' parents finally proved to be right. The authorities denied all along that there was a connexion. Certain Norwegian scientists were put on the investigation of the complaints, but they concluded there was no case, because all these congenital deformations were not unusual and statistically normal for a population!

Sianette Kwee
Sensommervej 16
DK-8600 Silkeborg

Iris Atzmon: wouldn't it be interesting to add the cell phone variable into this study:

Recurrent headache and migraine as a public health problem-a population-based study in Sweden.

Headache. 2006 Jan;46(1):73-81.
Molarius A, Tegelberg A.

Objective.-To study the prevalence of recurrent headache and/or self-considered migraine (RH/M) and its association with self-rated health, other symptoms, and use of health care and medication in the general population. Methods.-The study comprised a random population sample of 43,770 men and women aged 18 to 79 years covering an area of 58 municipalities in Sweden. The data were obtained using a postal survey questionnaire during March to May 2000. The overall response rate was 65%. Results.-The overall prevalence of self-reported RH/M was 10% among men and 23% among women. RH was more common (15%) than migraine (4%). The prevalence of RH was highest in the younger age groups (18 to 34 years) and decreased with increasing age. The prevalence of migraine was highest (6%) among 35 to 49 years old. Subjects with RH/M had poorer self-rated health compared to subjects with no reported headache independent of age. Poor self-rated health was most common among subjects with both RH and M. Musculoskeletal pain and psychosomatic symptoms were more common among those with RH/M. The association between RH/M and poor self-rated health was partly explained by these symptoms. Those with RH/M utilized more health care at all levels than those with no RH/M. In addition, subjects with RH/M reported two to three times more often that they had been in need of medical care but not sought it. About two-thirds of the subjects with RH/M had used analgesic during the last 2 weeks compared with less than one-third among subjects with no RH/M. Conclusion.-RH/M constitutes a substantial public health problem that mainly affects young and middle aged adults. It is associated with poor self-rated health, musculoskeletal and psychosomatic symptoms, increased use of health care and medication as well as unmet needs of health care. (Headache 2006;46:73-81).

PMID: 16412154 [PubMed - in process]

Who funds this psychiatry -mobile phone unit??...

A new study...from London

who funds this psychiatry -mobile phone unit??... Mobile Phones Research Unit, Division of Psychological Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry and Guy's, King's and St Thomas' School of Medicine, King's College London, London , UK The Jounal of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics from the study: "the best currently available evidence suggests that CBT is the most appropriate therapy"..."Treatments focused on altering the electromagnetic environment of the patient received no support from this review....suggesting them to be no better than placebos"...

Info from Sibylle
15 Jan 2006

A Systematic Review of Treatments for Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

G. James Rubin Jayati, Das Munshi Simon Wessely, Mobile Phones Research Unit, Division of Psychological Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry and Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas' School of Medicine, King’s College London, London, UK Abstract Background: Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is a poorly understood condition in which patients report symptoms following perceived exposure to weak electromagnetic fields (EMFs) such as those produced by mobile phones or visual display units. Little is known about the aetiology of the condition although experimental data suggest that EMFs are an unlikely causal agent. In this systematic review we assessed the efficacy of any treatment for people reporting EHS.

Methods: Twelve literature databases were examined to identify relevant studies. We also hand-searched conference proceedings and examined the reference sections of reviews and other papers. Only clinical trials that compared the efficacy of a potential treatment for EHS against a control condition were included in the review.

Results: Nine controlled clinical trials were identified, examining the effects of cognitive behavioural therapy (4 studies), visual display unit screen filters (2 studies), 'shielding' EMF emitters (1 study), supplementary antioxidant therapy (1 study) and acupuncture (1 study). The quality of these studies was limited. Nevertheless, their results suggest that cognitive behavioural therapy is more effective than providing no treatment. None of the other therapies have had their efficacy adequately demonstrated.

Conclusions: The evidence base concerning treatment options for EHS is limited and more research is needed before any definitive clinical recommendations can be made. However, the best evidence currently available suggests that cognitive behavioural therapy is effective for patients who report being hypersensitive to weak EMFs.

The 4 studies which tested CBT are summarised in table 1 [11,14] . The theoretical rationale given for the use of this intervention was fundamentally the same for each study. Typically, a vicious circle model (. g. 1) was used to explain how automatic assumptions made by EHS patients regarding the causes and implications of their symptoms might lead to feelings of anxiety and helplessness, maladaptive attempts to avoid situations in which EMFs are likely to be encountered, and self-fulfilling expectations of additional symptoms when such avoidance is not possible. CBT was used as a way of encouraging patients to challenge these assumptions and to test non- EMF-related interpretations and ways of coping with their symptoms. Where necessary, patients were also taught techniques for handling psychosocial stress. One study [14] also incorporated a package of physiotherapy and exercise designed to improve levels of physical fitness and to educate patients about the connections between their physiological and subjective states. All four CBT studies used patients placed on a treatment waiting list as the control group.

None was blind and only two [11, 12] were described as randomised.

the full document, .pdf, 120 KB

Free access, prof. Johansson's new papers

From: "Olle Johansson",
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 2:50 PM

Dear All,

Yet two papers have now been published:

"Alzheimer mortality - why does it increase so fast in sparsely populated areas?",

Europ Biol Bioelectromag 2005; 1: 225-246

Örjan Hallberg, Olle Johansson, 12/10/2005

Polkavägen 14B, 142 65 Trångsund, Sweden


Purpose: To investigate the mortality in nervous system-related diseases in different parts of Sweden to see if it may have any correlation to mobile phone output power. Methods: The average output power from mobile phones was calculated based on power measurements and information on mobile system coverage over the country. Mortality data was obtained from the National Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden. Results: The main contribution to the increased mortality in nervous system-related diseases was deaths due to increasing mortality in Alzheimer's disease (AD). The correlation between mobile phone average output power and mortality has increased the last few years and is today significant. Conclusions: The mortality in Alzheimer's disease appears to be associated with mobile phone output power. The mortality is increasing fast and is expected to increase substantially within the next 10 years. Deeper studies in this complex area are necessary.

To access go to, click on "Volume 1 Issue 3", click on the title of the paper, write "" as e-mail address and "ollejo" as password.

The Sun-Shined Health

by Xiaofan Guan and Olle Johansson

The Experimental Dermatology Unit,
Department of Neuroscience,
Karolinska Institutet,
171 77 Stockholm, Sweden

Good weather can make you feel better, and on the other hand, bad weather may let you feel depressed. In Sweden, sunshine is rare and it is always welcome. Most of us take every opportunity to get out and enjoy any sunshine. Unfortunately, there is only a little time of the year when this is possible in Sweden. And even in those months, if it is cloudy, there will not be enough sunshine.

The light, that some scientists consider as a "super nutrient", which comes from the sun, is rated with food, water and air as the most important part of the life-support system on earth. But for years the medical profession and sunscreen manufacturers have been threatening us with severe health risk for staying in the sun too long. We have been told to cover up, put on sunscreen, or stay out of the sun.

However, a growing research body suggests that the health risks of sun exposure are now being overstated while the many benefits are ignored. Our fear of the sun may well do us far more harm than good. Scientists are starting to change their advice on sun exposure.

A letter was recently published in the British Medical Journal [Nov. 2003; 327: 1228] by Professor Cedric Garland that argues that lack of sunlight may be responsible for increasing the risk of developing certain cancers. According to a study that was conducted between 1984 and 1995 in 24 U.S. states by doctors from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and published in Occupational and Environmental Medicine, lifetime exposure to sunlight may reduce your risk of some of the most common types of cancer. The NCI researchers found that people who lived in the sunniest parts of the country, and those exposed to the most sunlight through their jobs, had significantly lower rates of breast and colon cancer than matched controls. The incidence of ovarian cancer varies with latitude, with higher rates in northern parts of the world. Northern women in the 5th decade of life were found to have 5 times the mortality rate from ovarian cancer as southern women [Epidemiology 1994; 23: 1133-1136]. In a exploratory study, mortality from multiple sclerosis (MS) was found to be reduced by exposure to sunlight [Occup Environ Med 2000; 57: 418-421]. Dr. Zane Kime in his book "Sunlight Could Save Your Life" [World Health Pubns, June 1, 1980; ] demonstrates that sunlight has beneficial effects on lowering cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar level, increasing endurance, sex hormone levels, and immunity. And a paper in Lancet [Aug. 2001; 358: 641-642] found that exposure to sunlight also lowers the mortality of prostate cancer.

Some scientists argue, that the lower rates of many cancers and heart disease in the Mediterranean countries may be as much due to their weather as to their diet. Dr. David Gordon, a health specialist from the Bristol University, advises regular sunbathing and at least one sun-soaked foreign holiday a year as key factors in staying healthy.

Sunlight also helps people overcome winter depression. It has been a common belief that there is an increase in prevalence of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) with increasing latitude (further north, with longer winters). SAD hits around 100,000 people and develops into severe depression as daylight decreases in the winter. If SAD sufferers get out and get some sunlight during winter, they will relieve their depression.

So far the researchers themselves admit there is no explanation of how this protection occurs. But doctors increasingly recognise that vitamin D, produced by ultraviolet radiation from the sun, plays an important role in it. Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphate from food and is essential in the formation of bones and teeth. A deficiency of vitamin D leads to a failure of the bones to grow and causes rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.

Recent studies on vitamin D have also suggested that it might have an effect in reducing the following cancers: breast, colon and prostate cancer. The idea that vitamin D may play a useful role in helping to prevent breast cancer was very recently given a boost by UK research. In March 2004 at the 23rd Joint Meeting of the British Endocrine Societies with the European Federation of Endocrine Societies in Brighton, U.K., scientists at the University of Birmingham and St. George's Hospital in London reported that they found breast tissue to contain the enzyme that can convert vitamin D into calcitriol, the active and cancer-fighting form of vitamin D. Vitamin D is now believed to play an important role in regulating the production of cells, and this control may be missing in cancer. Scientists believe that the best way to get vitamin D is through sun exposure, not through supplements.

Like a lot of things, too much of a good thing can be bad for you. The sun is essential to health, but too little or too much sun will damage health. Do not expose unprotected skin to the hot sun for so long that it causes sunburn, especially when it comes to small children with fair skin.

Finally, it should be noted that in a very recent study on malignant melanoma incidence in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and the USA, Hallberg & Johansson [Arch Environ Health 2002; 57: 32-40] found a strong association between the introduction of FM radio broadcasting at full-body resonant frequencies and increasing melanoma incidence. In a later study [Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, Med Sci Monit 2004; 10: CR336-340], mortality and incidence data for malignant melanoma of the skin in Sweden and its temporal relation to increased "sun-traveling", and to the introduction of FM and TV broadcasting networks, were reviewed, utilizing official, published information that was collected and displayed graphically. A good correlation in time was found for the rollout of FM/TV broadcasting networks while the increased amount of "sun travel" by air (charter) did not start until 7 years after the melanoma trend-break in 1955. Counties that did not roll out their FM-broadcasting network until several years after 1955 continued to have a stable melanoma mortality during the intervening years. It was concluded that the increased incidence and mortality of melanoma of skin cannot solely be explained by increased exposure to UV-radiation from the sun, but rather may be dependent on a continuous disturbance of cell repair mechanisms by body-resonant electromagnetic fields amplifying the carcinogenic effects resulting from cell damage initially caused e.g. by such UV-radiation.

(Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm

Pooled analysis of two case-control studies on the use of cellular and cordless telephones and the risk of benign brain tumours diagnosed during 1997-2003.

Hardell L, Carlberg M, Hansson Mild K.

Department of Oncology, University Hospital, SE-701 85 Orebro, Sweden.

16 Mar 2006, Update

Pooled analysis of two case-control studies on use of cellular and cordless telephones and the risk for malignant brain tumours diagnosed in 1997-2003.

To study the use of cellular and cordless telephones and the risk for malignant brain tumours.

Two case-control studies on malignant brain tumours diagnosed during 1997-2003 included answers from 905 (90%) cases and 2,162 (89%) controls aged 20-80 years. We present pooled analysis of the results in the two studies.


Cumulative lifetime use for >2,000 h yielded for analogue cellular phones odds ratio (OR)=5.9, 95% confidence interval (CI)=2.5-14, digital cellular phones OR=3.7, 95% CI=1.7-7.7, and for cordless phones OR=2.3, 95% CI=1.5-3.6.
Ipsilateral exposure increased the risk for malignant brain tumours; analogue OR=2.1, 95% CI=1.5-2.9, digital OR=1.8, 95% CI=1.4-2.4, and cordless OR=1.7, 95% CI=1.3-2.2.
For high-grade astrocytoma using >10 year latency period analogue phones yielded OR=2.7, 95% CI=1.8-4.2, digital phones OR=3.8, 95% CI=1.8-8.1, and cordless phones OR=2.2, 95% CI=1.3-3.9.
In the multivariate analysis all phone types increased the risk. Regarding digital phones OR=3.7, 95% CI=1.5-9.1 and cordless phones OR=2.1, 95% CI=0.97-4.6 were calculated for malignant brain tumours for subjects with first use use <20 years of age, higher than in older persons.

Increased risk was obtained for both cellular and cordless phones, highest in the group with >10 years latency period.

exPMID: 16541280 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Info Iris

see also exUSA, Lloyd Morgan, Director of the Central Brain Tumour Registry of the US: Cordless Phones Radiation Causes Brain Tumors

Pooled analysis of two case-control studies on the use of cellular and cordless telephones and the risk of benign brain tumours diagnosed during 1997-2003.

Hardell L, Carlberg M, Hansson Mild K.

8 Jan 2006

The use of cellular and cordless telephones and the risk of brain tumours is of concern since the brain is a high exposure area. We present the results of a pooled analysis of two case-control studies on benign brain tumours diagnosed during 1997-2003 including answers from 1,254 (88%) cases and 2,162 (89%) controls aged 20-80 years. For acoustic neuroma, the use of analogue cellular phones gave an odds ratio (OR) of 2.9 and a 95% confidence interval (CI) of 2.0-4.3; for digital cellular phones, OR=1.5; 95% CI=1.1-2.1; and for cordless telephones, OR=1.5, 95% CI=1.04-2.0. The highest OR was found for analogue phones with a latency period of >15 years; OR=3.8, 95% CI=1.4-10. Regarding meningioma, the results were as follows: for analogue phones, OR=1.3, 95% CI=0.99-1.7; for digital phones, OR=1.1, 95% CI=0.9-1.3; and for cordless phones, OR=1.1, 95% CI=0.9-1.4. In the multivariate analysis, a significantly increased risk of acoustic neuroma was found with the use of analogue phones.

PMID: 16391807 [PubMed - in process]
Info Iris

Anti-aging care: do not use mobile telephon!


Mobile phone over-use leads to premature aging - study

Use your mobile phone too much and you would risk health problems associated with old age, a bio-physics and radio-physics study indicated, reports Kuwait News Agency.

"The 15-year study, conducted by researchers at Cairo University headed by Professor of bio-physics and radio-physics Dr. Fadhil Mohammad Ali, said much of today's technology that uses short and micro waves poses threats to the human biology and bodily functions".

Mobile phone over-use leads to premature aging - study

CAIRO, May 14 (KUNA) -- Use your mobile phone too much and you would risk health problems associated with old age, a bio-physics and radio-physics study indicated.

The study, conducted by researchers at Cairo University headed by Professor of bio-physics and radio-physics Dr. Fadhil Mohammad Ali, said much of today's technology that uses short and micro waves poses threats to the human biology and bodily functions.

Exposure to this kind of waves in the home and work place causes damage to human cells and red blood cells in particular. Performance of blood enzymes is also affected as a result of damage in the enzyme-producing cells, the researchers said.

As for recommendations, the team said it is best to re-set international safe limits for both exposure and resulting damage with use of microwaves and kin technology. They specifically urged the public to return to the usual phone lines whenever possible to limit use of mobiles.

This was a 15-year study of three phases that included surveys of the electromagnetic and electric fields in certain areas like homes and offices near high-voltage towers and plants where powerful electric currents are used. The safe distance from such a strong field or power tower was found to be over 20 meters. As for radio broadcasting towers, it was advised to stay a kilometer away.

Exposure to such conditions in plants was proved to have led to health problems among the workers like heart problems, tension, allergies and other ailments.

The voltage used in Egypt was examined and the researchers found the magnetic and electromagnetic fields have affected liver enzymes, glands, muscles, hormone balance, the heart and bone-marrow. Exposure affected fetuses in lab rats and the pregnant rats developed blood and lymphatic cancers, the study showed.

The researchers analyzed their findings and the manner the human body cells are affected and formulated a new theory they hope would help manipulate and reduce the harmful effects of microwaves. They even aspire it would make it possible to correct cancerous cells' behavior without the usual surgical, radiation or chemical intervention. (end) az.

Kuwait News Agency 141104 May 05NNNN

exgo to original

see also Association of mobile phone radiation with fatigue, headache, dizziness, tension and sleep disturbance in Saudi population

exCellphone overuse leads to premature aging? - Engadget


Intensive Mobilfunknutzung führte in Ägypten zu einer Studie über vorzeitiges Altern

übersetzt von Evi Gaigg

Diese Studie, die von Forschern der Kairoer Universität unter dem Vorsitz von Dr. Fadhil Mohammed Ali, Professor für Biophysik und Radiophysik durchgeführt wurde, sagt aus, dass viel von der Technologie der heutigen Zeit, welche Kurzwellen und Mikrowellen verwendet, den menschlichen biologischen und körperlichen Funktionen Schäden zufügt.

Wenn Sie Ihr Mobiltelefon zu oft benutzen, riskieren Sie Gesundheitsprobleme, die mit vorzeitigem Altern verbunden sind, berichtet eine biophysikalische und radiophysikalische Studie.

Die Exposition durch diese Art von Wellen in der Wohn- und Arbeitswelt verursacht die Beschädigung von menschlichen Zellen und hauptsächlich der Blutzellen. Die Leistung von Enzymen im Blut ist ebenfalls betroffen, als Ergebnis der Enzymproduktion in den Zellen, sagten die Wissenschafter.

Als beste Empfehlung gab das Team an, die internationalen Grenzwerte für beide Expositionen , sowohl der Mikrowellentechnologie als auch der Kin-Technologie neu zu setzen. Sie rufen die Bevölkerung dringend auf, das normale Telefon zu benutzen und wenn immer möglich den Gebrauch des Mobiltelefons zu verringern.

Dies war eine 15-Jahresstudie, durchgeführt in drei Phasen, die einen Überblick über die elektromagnetischen und elektrischen Felder an bestimmten Orten gibt, wie Wohnstätten und Büros in der Nähe von Hochspannungsmasten und —leitungen, wo starke elektrische Ströme verwendet werden. Die Sicherheitsdistanz von einem so starken Feld oder von einem Masten wurde nach mehr als 20 Metern gefunden. Die empfohlene Distanz von Radiosender-Stationen beträgt 1 Kilometer.

Expositionen unter solchen Bedingungen in Anlagen haben erwiesen, dass sie zu Gesundheitsproblemen unter den Arbeitern geführt haben, wie Blutdruckanstieg, Allergien und Schmerzen.

Bei Spannungen und Strömen, wie sie in Ägypten untersucht wurden, haben die Wissenschafter magnetische und elektromagnetische Felder gefunden, die die Leber-Enzyme, die Drüsen, Muskeln, die Hormonbalance, das Herz und das Knochenmark beeinträchtigen. Die Studie zeigte, dass die Exposition die Föten von Ratten schädigte und dass die trächtigen Ratten Blut- und Lymphdrüsenkrebse entwickelten.

Die Wissenschafter analysierten ihre Forschungsergebnisse und die Art, wie menschliche Körperzellen betroffen sind und formulierten eine neue Theorie, indem sie hoffen, dass diese helfen würde, die schädlichen Wirkungen der Mikrowellen zu beeinflussen und zu reduzieren. Sie hoffen ausserdem, dass es möglich sein wird, das Verhalten von Krebszellen zu korrigieren ohne die üblichen ärztlichen Behandlungen wie Bestrahlung und Chemotherapie. (end) az

Anmerkung umtsno: meine subjektive Wahrnehmung findet Bestätigung in einer seriösen Studie. Seit zwei Jahren beobachte ich einen rapiden Verfall nicht nur bei weiblichen, sondern auch bei den männlichen Stars wie Harald Schmidt, Thomas Gottschalk, Thomas Roth, Günther Jauch u.a. was bei Fernseh-Göttern eigentlich nicht sein dürfte.. Aber alle Journalisten, die mit EM-Feldern beruflich zu tun haben wie Fernseh- und Radio-Journalisten und Techniker sind extrem bedroht. Schon vor 40 Jahren wurden Studien gemacht die bewiesen, daß diese Berufsgruppe überdurchschnittlich an Krebskrankheiten leidet und insgesamt um 20 Jahre kürzer lebte als der Durchschnitt der Bevölkerung. Daß sie dabei schneller altern, wird jetzt auch durch die o.g. Studie wissenschaftlich bestätigt. Anti-aging-Fazit: weg mit Handys und Sendemasten !

Effect of Short-Wave (6-22 MHz) Magnetic Fields on Sleep Quality and Melatonin Cycle in Humans: The Schwarzenburg Shut-Down Study

Ekkehardt-Siegfried Altpeter, Martin Röösli, Markus Battaglia, Dominik Pfluger, Christoph E. Minder, and Theodor Abelin

Department of Social and PreventiveMedicine, University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland
This paper describes the results of a unique ''natural experiment'' of the operation and cessation of a broadcast transmitter with its short-wave electromagnetic fields (6–22 MHz) on sleep quality and melatonin cycle in a general human population sample. In 1998, 54 volunteers (21 men, 33 women) were followed for 1 week each before and after shut-down of the short-wave radio transmitter at Schwarzenburg (Switzerland). Salivary melatonin was sampled five times a day and total daily excretion and acrophase were estimated using complex cosinor analysis. Sleep quality was recorded daily using a visual analogue scale. Before shut down, self-rated sleep quality was reduced by 3.9 units (95% CI: 1.7–6.0) per mA/m increase in magnetic field exposure. The corresponding decrease in melatonin excretion was 10% (95% CI: -32 to 20%). After shutdown, sleep quality improved by 1.7 units (95% CI: 0.1–3.4) per mA/m decrease in magnetic field exposure. Melatonin excretion increased by 15% (95% CI: -3 to 36%) compared to baseline values suggesting a rebound effect. Stratified analyses showed an exposure effect on melatonin excretion in poor sleepers (26% increase; 95% CI: 8–47%) but not in good sleepers.

Change in sleep quality and melatonin excretion was related to the extent of magnetic field reduction after the transmitter’s shut down in poor but not good sleepers. However, blinding of exposure was not possible in this observational study and this may have affected the outcome measurements in a direct or indirect (psychological) way. Bioelectromagnetics 27, 2006.

The Schwarzenburg Shut-Down Study, the full document, .pdf, 123 KB

compare - Bundesweite Melatoninstudie -

Medizinische Leitung: Dr. med. Hans-Christoph Scheiner

Hinweise für Bürgerinitiativen u. Ärzte

Wissenschaftlicher Hintergrund: die mobilfunkbedingte Melatoninverminderung

Hinweise für Ärzte zur Durchführung der Studie

Fragebogen zur Melatoninstudie

ICNIRP responds to an Israeli journalist

From: Iris Atzmon
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2005

This is sent to you with the approval of the journalist, I asked him to send it to scientists. He wrote a good article about the REFLEX findings and asked for ICNIRP response but they got back to him only after his article had been already published, this is the answer he received (questions are at the bottom).


From: Gunde Ziegelberger
Date: Nov 10, 2005

Dear Matan Drori, Sorry for my late reply due to several workshops and heavy work overload. Regarding your questions, I would like to provide you with the following answers:

1. ICNIRP is not disregarding any scientific publication. In contrast, it is one of ICNIRP's main duties to review /all/ scientific publications on potential health hazards due to exposure to non-ionizing radiation. ICNIRP has published a comprehensive review on the relevance of Low Frequency Fields for human health in 2003 and has just started with reviewing the publications on High Frequency Fields. This is only possible, if there *are* publications on research data.

It is international, scientific standard that experimental studies are described in details and are published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. However, at least here in Germany, the coordinator and a few participants of REFLEX started to distribute the results through various media long before being scientifically published (some are still missing). It is not possible to regard and evaluate data sets without knowing details on experimental design, dosimetry, statistics, etc.

2. Based on the current state of scientific knowledge, i.e. based on the reviews of scientific publications, the necessity of updating the existing ICNIRP Guideline from 1998 is under discussion for the static fields and low frequency range and will be reflected for high frequency fields after finalizing the corresponding review.

I hope this information was of help to you.

Sincerely, Gunde Ziegelberger

Matan D schrieb: Hello, I'm a reporter in the newspaper of Maariv, Israel. I'm writing an article about the Handy radiation standards. Israel has adopted ICNIRP's standards, yet it has been brought to my attention that there is wide criticism over them. One of the claims, is that ICNIRP is disregarding such studies as REFLEX.

1. I would like to get your comment on that matter.
2. Is there an intention to change safety standards in the near future?

viele Grüße, Matan Drori

 Prof. Adlkofer response with regard to the ICNIRP position on REFLEX

Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2005

See prof. Adlkofer response with regard to the ICNIRP position on REFLEX which I sent several weeks ago.

From: Prof. Dr. Adlkofer
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Subject: REFLEX

Dear Mrs Atzmon,

thank you very much for informing me on the opinion ICNIRP has adopted in its dealing with the REFLEX project. It is true, that only part of the REFLEX findings have been published in peer-reviewed journals so far.

As the coordinator of the REFLEX project, I cannot but say that I regret this irresponsible delay of distributing their findings by some of my colleagues. But it is also true that enough results have already been presented in highly reputed scientific journals which allow the conclusion that low and high frequency electromagnetic fields are able to alter the function of genes and beyond that to damage genes in some, but obviously not all isolated human cell systems.

For low frequency electromagnetic fields this has just been confirmed, totally independent of the REFLEX project, by a research group from the Basle University, Switzerland. Furthermore, the REFLEX Final Report which has been sent to ICNIRP immediately after its release contains all the information necessary to form one's opinion on the validity of the project findings.

Especially for a group of expert scientists like ICNIRP this should not cause a problem at all. Since I myself and most of my colleagues are convinced that the REFLEX data will finally withstand all the upcoming criticism, we felt and still feel obliged to present our findings not only to the scientific community, what we have done during the course of the project on several occasions, but also to the interested public taxpayers whithout whom the project, would not have been possible.

A further reason for our decision may be seen in the attitude of organizations such as ICNIRP to react either not at all or only very slowly to new scientific findings that are not in line with their prevailing opinion, if public pressure does not exist.

Of course, it is hard for people to become convinced of something they do not want to be convinced of. In consent with the ICINRP opinion it must be said, that we do indeed not understand the significance of the REFLEX data with regard to human health.

The most what can be assumed at present is, that they make a possible risk to human health a bit more probable than hitherto thought. Altogether, we believe that the overall scientific knowledge base to which REFLEX contributes quite considerably provides enough information to take the precautionary principle more seriously than done at present by the responsible persons in politics and industry.

You are free to make use of this response should you wish to.

With my best regards,

Franz Adlkofer

 WHO is the Myths Manufacturer?
Chernobyl, WHO and Utteridge's mice: Is there a connection?

17 Dec 2005

from Iris Atzmon, atzmonh am

Part I

A new UN study that is defined as "the most authoritive study to date of the effects of the explosions that ripped apart Chernobyl reactor number 4 on 26 april 1986. It was compiled by the Chernobyl Forum, which involves more than 100 scientists, eight UN agencies and the governments of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine".

According to the study, the number who will die from long-term cancers caused by radiation will be 3490.

The deaths will be among almost 600,000 most contaminated by the accident
50 workers died from acute radiation poisoning or linked causes.
9 of 4000 children who have contracted thyroid cancer since the disaster have also died. The precise number of death is "unlikely ever to be known".
The study suggests that alongside radiation, mental illness has been the biggest public health problem caused by the accident.

According to Michael Repacholi, radiation manager for the WHO, a "high proportion" of the people most contaminated have suffered from stress. Sometimes this has led to reckless behaviour, such as eating highly contaminated food, overindulgence in alcohol and tobacco and "unprotected promiscuous sexual activity". Repacholi nevertheless insists that the study's overall health message was "reassuring". Only 3% of those contaminated by Chernobyl would die from cancer as a result of the accident, on top of the 25% who would be expected to die from cancer anyway. "Most people will be surprised that there are so few deaths" he says.

New Scientist 10.9.05

Part II

"An express agreement between the UN World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA) states: "Whenever either organization proposes to initiate a programme or activity on a subject in which the other organization has or may have a substantial interest, the first party shall consult the other with a view to adjusting the matter".

In effects, the WHO, which is responsible for the world health, does no research on radiation unless the project is approved by the IAEA, which promotes nuclear power and is dominated by the nuclear industry. And once the WHO has compiled the report the results of its findings have also to be cleared by the IAEA."

The ecologist October 2002
Dr. Janette Sherman's 2000 book Life's Delicate Balance: causes and prevention of breast cancer, which includes chapters titled "The breast cancer epidemic on Long Island and "Radiation- Bikini Island to Long Island.

Part III

Kuchel- Utterige's mice study - the "replication" of Repacholi's mice study [a study which was presented to the public as a replication that "cancelled" Repacholi's lymphoma results, although it was done differently from Repacholi's and indeed didn't find adverse effect].

T. Utteridge was the head of this study and she is a member in the ARPS - a lobbist industrial organization with very good connection to the nuclear industry.

On their website they write "THE MYTHS OF CHERNOBYL One of the most widespread myths of recent times is that the Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident in 1986 caused many thousands of extra cancer deaths in neighbouring regions, and that public health has been severely affected by exposure to radiation." (Utteridge is a member also of the electronic engineering school). It is surely not a coincidence that Utteridge was chosen to "replicate" Repacholi's study.

 WHO fact sheet "EHS" research papers
17 Dec 2005

Please fine enclosed two pdf files that the WHO fact sheet cited.
Eileen O'Connor, eileen zum

1. Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: A Systematic Review of Provocation Studies


EHS electromagnetic hypersensitivity; EMF electromagnetic field; SMD standardized mean difference; UMTS universal mobile telecommunications system (a "third-generation" mobile phone signal); VDU visual display unit.

Objectives: The objectives of this study were to assess whether people who report hypersensitivity to weak electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are better at detecting EMF under blind or double-blind conditions than nonhypersensitive individuals, and to test whether they respond to the presence of EMF with increased symptom reporting.

Methods: An extensive systematic search was used to identify relevant blind or double-blind provocation studies. This involved searching numerous literature databases and conference proceedings, and examining the citations of reviews and included studies. The results of relevant studies were tabulated and metaanalyses were used to compare the proportions of "hypersensitive" and control participants able to discriminate active from sham EMF exposures. Results: Thirty-one experiments testing 725 "electromagnetically hypersensitive" participants were identified. Twenty-four of these found no evidence to support the existence of a biophysical hypersensitivity, whereas 7 reported some supporting evidence. For 2 of these 7, the same research groups subsequently tried and failed to replicate their findings. In 3 more, the positive results appear to be statistical artefacts. The final 2 studies gave mutually incompatible results. Our metaanalyses found no evidence of an improved ability to detect EMF in "hypersensitive" participants.

Conclusions: The symptoms described by "electromagnetic hypersensitivity" sufferers can be severe and are sometimes disabling. However, it has proved difficult to show under blind conditions that exposure to EMF can trigger these symptoms. This suggests that "electromagnetic hypersensitivity" is unrelated to the presence of EMF, although more research into this phenomenon is required.

From the Mobile Phones Research Unit, Division of Psychological Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry and Guy’s, King’s and St. Thomas' School of Medicine, King’s College London, UK.
Rubin, et al, the full document .pdf, 78 KB,

2. "Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) and subjective health complaints associated with electromagnetic fields of mobile phone communication—a literature review published between 2000 and 2004" H. Seitza, et al, the full document .pdf, 137 KB,

to compare with:

A serious mistake
Report for the HPA Belfast
Forthcoming Review on Electrosensitivity
ex"Zur Verharmlosung der gesundheitsrelevanten Wirkung von EMF"
Comment to article by Rubin et al. from 15.04.2006 (Vodafone-WHO)

 Teddyfone - Babyfone
Friday, December 16, 2005
From Grahame Blackwell

Dear All

NRPB non-response re concerns over mobile phones for under-5s

You may be interested in the email below that I sent to Dr. Mike Clark of the HPA-RPD (formerly the NRPB) two weeks ago. As you'll see, this is in response to his reply to an email from a member of the public in which they expressed concern about the marketing of mobile phones to children as young as 4 years old.

You may also be interested - as I am - that Dr. Clark hasn't replied to my email in those two weeks - in marked contrast to his practice of responding to other queries I've seen within 2-3 days (I haven't emailed him myself before). It's very surprising that such an emotive and contentious issue hasn't produced a reply from the spokesman for the body that supposedly PROTECTS our nation's (and our children's) HEALTH.


Can mobiles cause depression?

22 Nov 2005
Posted: Sylvie, Atzmon I., 13.12.2005

An electromagnetic 'smog' from mobile phones and electronic goods could be contributing to depression, according to a new study.The study, carried out on nearly 68000 people in Australia between 1968 and 2002, supports the hypothesis that a person’s mood can be influenced by disturbances in the electromagnetic field in our environment and that this can affect our mental health.

Man-made disturbances in the electromagnetic field are those caused by power distribution grids and electrical devices, such as microwaves and mobile phones.The researchers said suicide rates increased during "geomagnetic storms" during the years covered by the study.

They found that blood pressure was shown to increase significantly for males and females when there was an increase in geomagnetic activity. A positive trend was also noticed between geomagnetic activity and subjective psycho-physiological complaints. A demonstration of the relationship between geomagnetic storm activity and suicide.

Do ambient electromagnetic fields affect behaviour? A demonstration of the relationship between geomagnetic storm activity and suicide.

Berk M, Dodd S, Henry M.

Department of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences-Barwon Health, University of Melbourne, Geelong, Australia.

The relationship between ambient electromagnetic fields and human mood and behaviour is of great public health interest. The relationship between Ap indices of geomagnetic storm activity and national suicide statistics for Australia from 1968 to 2002 was studied.

Ap index data was normalised so as to be globally uniform and gave a measure of storm activity for each day. A geomagnetic storm event was defined as a day in which the Ap index was equal to or exceeded 100 nT.

Suicide data was a national tally of daily male and female death figures where suicide had been documented as the cause of death. A total of 51 845 males and 16 327 females were included. The average number of suicides was greatest in spring for males and females, and lowest in autumn for males and summer for females. Suicide amongst females increased significantly in autumn during concurrent periods of geomagnetic storm activity (P = .01). This pattern was not observed in males (P = .16). This suggests that perturbations in ambient electromagnetic field activity impact behaviour in a clinically meaningful manner.

The study furthermore raises issues regarding other sources of stray electromagnetic fields and their effect on mental health. Bioelectromagnetics. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

exPMID: 16304696
Related Articles:

Association of mobile phone radiation with fatigue, headache, dizziness,
tension and sleep disturbance in Saudi population

Studien zu Schädigungen durch Mobilfunk-Sender
Von Krampfanfällen bei Kleinkindern und von Belastungen durch Mobilfunk und Schnurlostelefon
Biologische Wirkungen von elektromagnetischen Feldern auf Nervensystem,.pdf, 380 KB
Müde? Handy-Strahlung hypnotisiert das Gehirn
Volksleiden: 40 Prozent der Deutschen schlafen schlecht
exCan mobiles cause depression?

Nonthermal microwave radiations affect the hypersensitive response of tobacco to tobacco mosaic virus.

J Altern Complement Med. 2004 Dec;10(6):947-57
Betti L, Trebbi G, Lazzarato L, Brizzi M, Calzoni GL, Marinelli F, Nani D, Borghini F.

Department of Agro-Environmental Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Bologna University, Italy.

OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of nonthermal extremely high-frequency microwave radiations in a plant-based bioassay, represented by tobacco plants reacting to tobacco mosaic virus with a hypersensitive response leading to the appearance of necrotic lesions at the infection sites.

DESIGN: This study was performed blind and different experimental protocols on tobacco plants inoculated with tobacco mosaic virus were used. BIO-OBJECTS: Tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L. cultivar Samsun) carrying the resistance gene N against tobacco mosaic virus.

INTERVENTIONS: Tobacco plants or leaf disks were either directly or indirectly (water-mediated) irradiated using a medical device, designed for microwave resonance therapy. It produces nonthermal weak-intensity extremely high-frequency radiations, either modulated at extremely low frequency or in continuous flux of waves, coupled with a nonthermal red/near-infrared radiation. Outcome measurements: The working variable was the number of hypersensitive lesions per leaf disk.

RESULTS: Both direct and indirect nonthermal microwave radiations led to significant effects on the hypersensitive response of tobacco plants: modulated radiations generally induced a resistance increase, whereas a continuous flux of waves induced a resistance decrease with direct treatments only.

CONCLUSIONS: Nonthermal microwave radiations are effective on the hypersensitive response of tobacco to tobacco mosaic virus and their low-frequency modulation seems to be more bioactive than the continuous-flux of waves, particularly in the indirect water-mediated treatments.

PMID: 15673988 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Info 27 Nov 2005, from Iris Atzmon
atzmonh at
original doc., .pdf, 384 KB

When Enough Is Never Enough

25 Nov 2005

Dear Colleagues:

How often have you been told that there are no biological effects of weak EMFs that can be replicated in more than one lab?

Like much of what you hear about EMFs, this is propaganda that seeks to cut off further research.

In past commentaries, we have described how WHO and industry officials refuse to acknowledge that EMFs can cause DNA breaks. Here is another example:


Definition, Epidemiology and Management of Electrical Sensitivity

03 Nov 2005

Report for the Radiation Protection Division of the Health Protection Agency
N Irvine, Regional Epidemiologist, CDSC Northern Ireland, HPA Belfast

The full document (PDF, 156 KB, 42 pages)

This review considers electrical sensitivity (ES) in terms of the subjective attribution of symptoms to electric and magnetic fields and radiations (EMFs), at levels below those shown to cause adverse health effects. The use of the term ES in this review does not imply the acceptance of a causal relationship between symptoms and attributed exposure, however.

umtsno: see also

Lebrecht von Klitzing, Der elektrosensible Mensch
Lebrecht von Klitzing, Elektrosensibilität ist messbar
Karl Hecht, Die Thermoregulation – ein realer physiologischer Prozess, der als
Grundlage für die Bestimmung der Strahlen- bzw. Elektrosensibilität dienen kann
Karl Hecht, Elektrosensibilität
Karl Hecht, Elektrosensible Schlafgestörte (Insomniker)
Olle Johansson, Persons with impairments are NOT "a medical condition"
Igor Belyaev, Telephones Affect in Human Lymphocytes from Hypersensitive and Healthy Persons

A Review of Electrical Sensitivity

press release

3 November 2005


29 Oct 2005
Localized Effects of Microwave Radiation on the Intact Eye Lens in Culture Conditions
.pdf, 228 KB


see hier Cell phones and eyesight

Dear Colleagues:

Chinese scientists have joined the growing number of researchers who have
found that relatively low-power RF radiation can lead to DNA breaks.

Check out the latest posting on the Microwave News Web site.
Go to:

Louis Slesin

Microwaves from GSM Mobile Telephones Affect in Human Lymphocytes from Hypersensitive and Healthy Persons

Dr. Igor Belyaev who is one of the researchers of this study below

also participates in the WHO EMF project, but he clearly
states that there are non- thermal effects, in contrast to the manager of the WHO project, and in this study one can read the criticism of the researchers on the ICNIRP standards that ignore effects below the standard.

Hopefully they will publish soon their study on 3G genetic effects
that was presented in two conferences (in Prague and Russia). .

Sat, 10 Sep 2005
From: "Iris Atzmon"

Persons with impairments are NOT "a medical condition"

(From Olle Johansson)
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2005

Dear All,

In the recent Press Statement (see below) from the Health Protection Agency
(HPA) of England and Wales, a serious mistake can be found (see below at [***]).


HPA Press Statement on the HPA Forthcoming Review on Electrosensitivity

(From Alasdair Philips)
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005

Message With regard to the below, According to the Israeli news they will write a full list of symptoms in the report, and the medical community will have to study this more in order to find drugs. Just today I read that 40 companies are trying to find the magic bullets for memmory loss. They want to create "a better brain", they don't care that cell phones can create "a worse brain". It's in the new issue of "popular science" Sep. 2005, there are pills for concentration, sleep, cognitive performance etc


Do radiofrequency energy fields cause cancer?

27 Sep 2005, By Dr. Ralph Moss
(from Iris Atzmon)

  1. Here at the moss reports
  2. Part one
  3. Effects on Melatonin
  4. Part 2:
  5. What the Science Shows
  6. Part 3: Some Studies Find a Link
  7. What To Do


A new study
10 Sep 2005

see hier

My hypothesis on TETRA and esophagus cancer


see more about -Tetra-

From Dr. John Walker

There is now very self sustaining and well agreeing information over several countries:-

To answer question 1 Is there any effect of mobile telephone base station radiation on living beings e.g. human and animal health?

There are results of ill people in houses in beam patches (7 patches) so far tested (120 ill people by 2005) There is about 3 times the average rate of Cancer. in the beam patches.
Ill people in flats in mast beams in Midlands (600 ill people)
Ill people in a school near mast (75 ill pupils and teachers)

To answer question 2 How is the incidence of ill health related to the strength of the radiation?

In Spain Navarro & Oldfield 0.13 volts/metre for an Odds ratio of 39 for increased depressive tendency. In UK Beam patches about 1,5 volts/metre outside correspond to about 0.5 volts/metre inside buildings. In Germany Bamberger <0.06 volts/metre give 30% illness, 0.06 -0.2 volts/metre gives 60% illness

These values are relatively close compared to ICNRP 41 volts/metre!


New Italian study: Cell phone and brain function

from: "Sylvie"

Is the brain influenced by a phone call?
An EEG study of resting wakefulness


Exposure assessment of ELF magnetic fields in urban environments in Extremadura (Spain)


Case-Control Study on Cellular and Cordless Telephones and the Risk for Acoustic Neuroma or Meningioma in Patients Diagnosed 2000-2003


Cell phones and eyesight

A new Israeli study is presented in the Israeli media as strong evidence for damage in the eyes by cellular phones, a mainstream journalist in a very mainstream newspaper writes "the findings were conclusive", the lens (of calves) exposed to the radiation lost focus.


How the study on power lines was presented on TV

Still about power lines. What is the meaning of the results of the new study
on power lines?


The issue of power lines

In The Netherlands the policy of the government now is not to build where the magnetic field is more than 400 nT. TenneT (the Transmission System Operator (TSO) in the Netherlands) has introduced a new high voltage system:

The magnetic fields by the Wintrack powerline system are decreased, because the lines are always six in a perfect circle (before, they were in triangles). The magnetic fields neutralize each other extensively. Moreover there are conductors in the ground, I don't understand exactly how, I think they take stray fields away. Ask them:

Regards, Frans

Israeli experts committee on power lines
About a week ago, in a famous israeli TV programme called "Popolitics", which deals with everything that concerns the public, the issue of power lines was discussed, after the publication of the new study about power lines was reported widely in the newspapers and TV.


Iris Atzmon
Tue, 14 Jun 2005

Notice umtsno: see advices to Governments from Repacholi-WHO

Von Krampfanfällen bei Kleinkindern und von Belastungen durch Mobilfunk und Schnurlostelefon

Die Häufung frühkindlicher Krampfanfälle etwa in den letzten zehn Jahren ist auffällig kongruent zur weiteren Verbreitung der Mobilfunk- und DECT-Schnurlos-Telefonie.



Motorola Funded Counter Research on Microwave DNA Damage

more .pdf, 191 KB

Please consider my research on this subject.

We need absolute proof positive of the harmful effects of EM radiation on living systems.
We have it. The key is that the effects of radiation are CUMULATIVE - I repeat CUMULATIVE !!! IT CAN TAKE 10 - 20 - 30 or even more years for the damage to become apparent. It can even be handed down through generations.

These things we know.

Das Verhältnis zwischen Leukämie-Risiko bei Kindern und Hochspannungsleitungen


Kinder, die in der Nähe von Hochspannungsleitungen aufwachsen, erkranken häufiger an Leukämie als Kinder, deren Zuhause weit von Starkstromleitungen entfernt liegt.

Zu diesem Ergebnis kommen Wissenschaftler der Universität Oxford in der Studie "Childhood cancer in relation to distance from high voltage power lines in England and Wales: a case-control study". Die Wissenschaftler hatten dazu die Wohnorte von 29.000 krebskranken Kindern - 9700 mit Leukämie auf der Insel untersucht und festgestellt, daß überdurchschnittlich viele an Leukämie erkrankte Kinder in der Nähe von Überlandleitungen leben.

Kinder, die weniger als 200 Meter entfernt von einer Hochspannungsleitung auf die Welt kommen, haben demnach ein 69 Prozent höheres Risiko an Leukämie zu erkranken als Kinder, die mehr als 600 Meter entfernt von einem Starkstrommasten geboren wurden.

Leben Kinder in einer räumlichen Entfernung von 200 bis 600 Metern zu den Überlandleitungen, ist das Risiko einer Leukämie-Erkrankung gegenüber der weiter entfernt wohnenden Vergleichsgruppe laut Studie um 23 Prozent größer. Für andere Krebsformen wurde kein erhöhtes Risiko gefunden.

Die Autoren, die ihre epidemiologischen Erkenntnisse jetzt in der Fachzeitschrift British Medical Journal veröffentlicht haben, weisen allerdings darauf hin, daß es für die statistischen Daten derzeit keine akzeptierten biologischen Wirkmechanismen gebe.

9.6.05, Anm. von Krzysztof Puzyna (umtsno)

Es gibt verschiedene Theorien über die Wirkung der elektromagnetischen Felder auf Lebewesen: Manczarski - Plasma-Theorie, die Tesla-Resonanz-Theorie oder die Studie von Bo Sernelius. siehe auch die Erklärung von Dr. Hyland während der Konferenz der Whistleblower am 07.09.2003 in Starnbek

Ihrer gemeinsame Nenner ist, daß die elektromagnetischen Felder in der Milliarden mal kleineren Stärke als die Grenzwerte der ICNIRP-Maffia ( und durch diese Maffia unterwanderte WHO-Organisation in Genf) die lebenden Organismen schädigen. Keine dieser Theorien hat jemals eine Chance auf Anerkennung solange die Verbrecher und Lobbyisten von Vodafone bei WHO in Genf ihr Unwesen treiben dürfen. Übrigens der von Dr. Hyland zitierte Direktor von WHO hat einen Namen- er heißt Repacholi

siehe dazu Gebote für Regierungen von WHO-Repacholi und Zusammenhang zwischen niederfrequenten Magnetfeldern und Brustkrebs

Association between childhood leukaemia and high voltage power lines


Conclusions There is an association between childhood leukaemia and proximity of home address at birth to high voltage power lines, and the apparent risk extends to a greater distance than would have been expected from previous studies. About 4% of children in England and Wales live within 600 m of high voltage lines at birth. If the association is causal, about 1% of childhood leukaemia in England and Wales would be attributable to these lines, though this estimate has considerable statistical uncertainty. There is no accepted biological mechanism to explain the epidemiological results; indeed, the relation may be due to chance or confounding.

ex more

see also ex Residential and Occupational Exposures to 50-Hz Magnetic Fields and Breast Cancer in Women

see Advice to Governments from Repacholi-WHO

Prof.Trzaska: SAR ? the present protection standards are illogical and nonrealiazable.



Prof. Szmigielski / Prof. Trzaska / Dr. van Velden / Dipl.-Ing. Puzyna

Tumour risk for rural mobile users

By Nic Fleming, Science Correspondent

Mobile phone users who live in the countryside are more likely to develop brain tumours than those in towns and cities, a study published today shows.


Adlkofer's study from REFLEX

Non-thermal DNA breakage by mobile-phone radiation (1800MHz) in human fibroblasts and in transformed GFSH-R17 rat granulosa cells in vitro.

Diem E, Schwarz C, Adlkofer F, Jahn O, Rudiger H.

Division of Occupational Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, Vienna 1090, Austria.

Cultured human diploid fibroblasts and cultured rat granulosa cells were exposed to intermittent and continuous radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) used in mobile phones, with different specific absorption rates (SAR) and different mobile-phone modulations. DNA strand breaks were determined by means of the alkaline and neutral comet assay. RF-EMF exposure (1800MHz; SAR 1.2 or 2W/kg; different modulations; during 4, 16 and 24h; intermittent 5min on/10min off or continuous wave) induced DNA single- and double-strand breaks. Effects occurred after 16h exposure in both cell types and after different mobile-phone modulations. The intermittent exposure showed a stronger effect in the comet assay than continuous exposure. Therefore we conclude that the induced DNA damage cannot be based on thermal effects.


Weitere Teilstudie im Rahmen des Europäischen REFLEX-Projekts.

Nicht-thermische DNA-Brüche durch Mobilfunkstrahlung (1800 MHz) in
menschlichen Fibroblasten und in veränderten GFSH-R17 Granulosazellen
von Ratten in vitro


Abstract: Rattenkulturzellen (diploide Fibroblasten und Granulosazellen) wurden in intermittierender und kontinuierlicher hochfrequenter elektromagnetischer Strahlung (RF-EMF) mit verschiedenen spezifischen Absorptionsraten (SAR) und unterschiedlichen mobilfunktypischen Modulationen exponiert. Die Brüche der DNA-Stränge wurden mit Hilfe der alkalischen und neutralen Comet Assay-Methode bestimmt. Die RF-EMF Exposition (1800MHz; SAR 1,2 oder 2W/kg; unterschiedliche Modulationen; während 4, 16 und 24 Stunden; intermittierend 5 min an / 10 min aus oder kontinuierliche Wellen) bewirkte DNA Einzel- und Doppelstrangbrüche.

Diese Wirkungen traten nach einer Exposition von 16 Stunden in beiden Zelltypen auf und nach unterschiedlichen Mobilfunkmodulationen. Die intermittierende Exposition zeigte stärkere Auswirkungen beim Comet Assay als die kontinuierliche Exposition, woraus die Autoren schließen,daß die Schädigung der DNA nicht durch thermische Effekte verursacht wird.

Bibliographische Angaben: Diem E, Schwarz C, Adlkofer F, Jahn O, RudigerH., Mutat Res. 2005 Apr 30;

A preliminary study on ultra high frequency electromagnetic fields effect on black locust chlorophylls.


It was revealed that the ratio of the two main types of chlorophyll was decreasing logarithmically to the increase of daily exposure time.



Voruntersuchung zur Wirkung elektromagnetischer Felder sehr hoher Frequenzen auf das Chlorophyll der Robinie


Aus dem Abstract: Die Chlorophylle der Blätter von Robiniensämlingen (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) wurden nach Exposition in hochfrequenten elektromagnetischen Feldern (400 MHz) quantitativ untersucht. Nach dreiwöchiger täglicher Exposition (1, 2, 3 und 8 Stunden) wurde die Menge des Chlorophylls gemessen. Dabei wurde festgestellt, daß die Menge an Chlorophyll-a als auch die an Chlorophyll-b gesunken war, außer bei einer Expositionszeit von zwei Stunden, bei der eine beträchtliche Steigerung zu verzeichnen war.

Der Versuch zeigte, daß das Verhältnis der beiden Haupttypen des Chlorophylls logarithmisch abnahm in dem Maße wie die tägliche Exposition andauerte.

Bibliographische Angaben: Sandu DD, Goiceanu IC, Ispas A, Creanga I,
Miclaus S, Creanga DE., Acta Biol Hung. 2005;56(1-2):109-17.


Cell phone base stations change brain currents and cause unwellness
Research in Austria

The radiation of a cell phone base station at a distance of 80 metres causes significant changes of the electrical currents in the brains of testees (measured by electroencefalogram, EEG). All the testees said they felt unwell during the radiation, some of them seriously.

That is the result of an investigation by a team of Austrian scientists. They measured alpha 1 (8 to 10 Hz), alpha 2 (10 to 12 Hz) and beta waves (13 to 20 Hz). A small density of GSM 900 and GSM 1800 radiation already caused several significant changes in these three frequency ranges. This means the body is stressed - temporarily this may have some positive
effect, in the long run however stress certainly reduces the quality of life, capacity for work and state of health.


Strahlung von Mobilfunksende-Anlagen beeinflussen Gehirnströme

[Land Salzburg] Salzburger Umweltmediziner Oberfeld stellt Ergebnisse einer neuen Studie vor

(LK) "Die Ergebnisse einer neuen Studie zeigen weltweit erstmals, daß die Einstrahlung einer Mobilfunksendeanlage (GSM 900/1800 MHz) in etwa 80 Metern Entfernung zu signifikanten Veränderungen unterschiedlicher EEG-Parameter führt. Die gemessenen Veränderungen der Gehirnströme sind mit verschiedenen vegetativen und zentralnervösen Störungen, über die die Probanden berichteten, in Zusammenhang zu bringen."

Dies teilte heute, Mittwoch, 27. April, der Salzburger Umweltmediziner Dr. Gerd Oberfeld vom Referat "Gesundheit, Hygiene und Umweltmedizin" des Landes mit.


REFLEX Studie - aktuelle Situation (19.03.05)


Prof. Dr. Adlkofer schrieb:

Sehr geehrter Herr Schmidt,

haben Sie vielen Dank für die Überlassung Ihres Briefwechsels mit dem Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, das sich - wenn ich dies richtig deute - bei der Bewertung wissenschaftlicher Studien offensichtlich auch der Hilfe der Industrie bedient.


Studie: Handymast stört Schlaf

Pilotstudie der Grazer TU beweist: Handymasten können Schlafstörungen verursachen – nun wird österreichweit geforscht.


WHO reagiert auf Forderungen nach epidemiologischen Studien und der Anwendung des Vorsorgeprinzips

Quelle: Webseite der Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO

WHO kündigt erneut epidemiologische Untersuchungen HF-belasteter Bevölkerungsgruppen an - wann erfolgt die Umsetzung?


Die WHO fordert alle interessierten Kreise weiter dazu auf, aktiv an diesem Prozess teilzunehmen


Europaparlament will mehr Schutz vor Elektrosmog

BRÜSSEL (taf). Präventive ärztliche Kontrollen zum Schutz von Arbeitnehmern vor elektromagnetischen Feldern sollen verstärkt werden. Dies hat das Europäische Parlament (EP) gefordert und damit grünes Licht für eine geplante Richtlinie gegeben.

Das Regelwerk setzt Expositionsgrenzwerte zum Schutz von Arbeitnehmern fest. Wird ein Grenzwert überschritten, muss der Mitarbeiter ärztlich untersucht werden. Die Richtlinie zielt vor allem auf Beschäftigte in der Stahlindustrie, Metallbearbeitung oder auf Personen, die in der Nähe von Fernseh- oder Radioübertragungsmasten, Radargeräten sowie Mobilfunkantennen arbeiten.

Copyright © 1997-2004 by Ärzte Zeitung

Ärzte warnen vor Kopfschmerz, Depressionen und Unfruchtbarkeit

Wird Elektrosmog verharmlost?


Verdachtsfälle: Häufungen von Krebs und schweren Erkrankungen in der Nähe von Funkantennen

Österreich, Krebserkrankungen in Wernstein

Polen, Slupsk/ Stolp 75 Tote, 53 Erkrankte, bekannt geworden November 2004

Stadtratsbeschluss auf Grund der Nailaer Studie

Deutschland, Naila, beunruhigende Studie zur Belastung von Anwohnern durch Mobilfunkstationen bekannt geworden Juli 2004

Polen, Polanica Zdrój, bekannt geworden Juni 2003

Polen, Rybnik, bekannt geworden Juli 2003

Deutschland, Steinbach-Hallenberg im Thüringer Wald, bekannt geworden März 2006

Deutschland, Geisenheim, Hessen, bekannt geworden Mai 2003:

Deutschland, Heroldsberg, Bayern, bekannt geworden Januar 2002:

Deutschland, Haaren, NRW, bekannt geworden Januar 2002:

Großbritannien, 15 Krebshäufungen, bekannt geworden im Juli 2002:

Großbritannien, London, bekannt geworden im Januar 2002:

Großbritannien, Wishaw, Warnwicks, bekannt geworden im April 2003:

Großbritannien, Manchester, Zunehmende Krebserkrankungen bei Jugendlichen, März 2004

Italien, Volturino, Immer mehr mißgebildete Tiere in bestrahltem Dorf, März 2003

Gehirntumore und Leukämien im Umfeld von Rundfunk-/TV-Sendern und Radarstationen


Spain, Gijon june 20th 2005, A school study using official data shows a link between cancer and cellular masts.

Spanien, Villaverde del Río 23 Tote in der Nähe von Sevilla, September 2005

Spanien, der Tod von 43 Einwohnern von Majadahonda durch elektromagnetische Strahlung , wird zur Anzeige gebracht, August 2005

Spanien / Barcelona: Leukämietote und Leukozytose bei Mobilfunkantenne

Spanien, Navarro, Das Mikrowellensyndrom: Eine vorläufige Studie in Spanien
Unter Anwohnern von Basisstationen wurden signifikante Zusammenhänge
zwischen berichteten Symptomen und gemessenen Feldstärken gefunden.

Spanien, Meta-Liste, zusammengetragen von Bürgerverbänden aus Girona und Zaragoza, Mai 2003:

Spanien, Barcelona, bekannt geworden Juni 2003, Leukämie

Spanien, Cartagena, bekannt geworden Mai 2003, Kinderkrebsfälle:

Spanien, Alicante, bekannt geworden Mai 2003:

Spanien, Valladolid, bekannt geworden Januar 2002:

Spanien, Figueres, bekannt geworden Februar 2002:

Spanien, L Escala, bekannt geworden Juni 2002:

Spanien, L Escala2, bekannt geworden Juni 2002:

Spanien, Torrevieja, bekannt geworden im März 2002:

Frankreich, Saint Cyr, bekannt geworden im März 2002:
(mindestens 8 offiziell als "verdächtig" eingestufte Kinderkrebsfälle, darunter mehrere tödliche Gehirntumore bei Kindern, Krebsfälle bei Jugendlichen, Hirnschäden bei Kleinkind, 42440,32 Mikrowatt/ Qm (4 V/m) siehe Grenzwerte, mehrere Mobilfunkantennen von 3 Betreibern seit 1992 bzw.1997 auf dem Dach einer Schule, Antennen wurden 2003 abgebaut)

Israel, Osfie, bekannt geworden im März 2000

Israel, Porat, Zoran u.a., bekannt geworden im März 2003

Israel, 165 Krebsfälle in einer Nachbarschaft in Osfie, Maariv 20.1.2004

Israel, Osfie, by November 2004 already 85 are dead


Elektrosensibilisierung und magnetische Kontrastmittel

Elektrosensibilisierung, Dispositionen zu Allergien und anderen Gesundheitsstörungen einschließlich Krebs durch magnetisierende Kontrastmittel + Elektrosmog

Bitte geben Sie diese Informationen an Selbsthilfegruppen und an Initiativen gegen Elektrosmog weiter. Es besteht der begründete Verdacht, daß magnetische Kontrastmittel, die wegen einer (besseren) Resonanz bei bildgebenden Diagnoseverfahren gespritzt werden, Elektrosensibilisierungen auslösen können. Zudem ist zu befürchten, daß hierdurch die bioelektrischen Systeme einschließlich Nervensystem beeinträchtigt werden können.
siehe auch Der elektrosensible Mensch


It’s Genetics, Stupid
Nachricht von Klaus Peter Schneider

Es geht hierbei um EMF und Brustkrebs in einer neuen Dokumentation von Prof. Wolfgang Löscher.


Volksleiden: 40 Prozent der Deutschen schlafen schlecht

Hamburg (dpa) - 38 Prozent der Bundesbürger leiden häufig unter Schlaflosigkeit.


Müde? Handy-Strahlung hypnotisiert das Gehirn

Funktelefone verdummen


Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigung durch Mobilfunk


German company called G-Hanz introduced a new type of mobile phone


Bemerkungen zur Adlkofer REFLEX-STUDIE

Wie es der chinesische Wissenschaftler Changlin Zhang darstellt [Lit.), zeigt sich der elektromagnetische Körper eines lebenden Organismus im System der Chakren, Meridiane und Akupunkturpunkte. Dieses System wird durch stehende Wellen gebildet, die aber nicht statisch sind, sondern zeitliche Zyklen durchlaufen. [Dissipative Structure of Electromagnetic Field in Living Systems. Frontier Perspective, Vol 12.Nr.1, und 'Dichter Körper und elektromagnetischer Körper, Tattva Viveka 6, Kopie notfalls bei W. Wagner]


Tag des Versuchstiers: Tierversuche sind Affenschande für Deutschland


WHO: Menschen als Versuchskaninchen?

Mike Repacholi, der 'Beauftragte der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) zur Untersuchung der Gefahren von elektromagnetischer Strahlung', sagte im Februar 2003 an der EMC-Konferenz in Zürich:


Re: Tag des Versuchstiers: Tierversuche sind Affenschande für Deutschland

in dem Beitrag sind einige wichtige Aussagen.


Zunehmende Krebserkrankungen bei Jugendlichen


Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigungen durch Elektrosmog

Der Elektrobiologe Harald Moritz führt langjährig Statistik

Jeder Mensch reagiert sehr spezifisch auf Umwelteinflüsse, zu denen auch die elektromagnetischen Felder zählen.

Auf Grund meiner mehr als zehnjährigen Erfahrung als Elektrobiologe, sowie ähnlicher Auffassung in Fachkreisen, haben sich bei besonders exponierten Patienten jedoch ähnliche Abläufe entwickelt.

Demnach reagiert der menschliche Organismus in drei Stufen auf Elektrosmog:

1. Phase - Störungsphase

Hierbei reagiert der Körper mit Befindlichkeitsstörungen und Stresssymptomen wie Schlafstörungen, Appetitlosigkeit, Nervosität, Konzentrationsschwäche sowie vegetativen Komponenten.

2. Phase - Beeinträchtigungsphase

Die Symptome der Störungen werden nun deutlicher wahrgenommen, z.B. als starke Kopfschmerzen bzw. Migräne, Verdauungsstörungen, Immunschwäche, stärkerer Infektanfälligkeit und weiteren organischen Störungen.

3. Phase - Pathologische Phase (Krankheit)

Die dritte Phase bedingt eine Erkrankung, die ohne Reduzierung der Elektrosmogbelastung, dann häufig zu einer irreversiblen Krankheit führt. Hier dokumentiert sich ein breites medizinisches Krankheitsspektrum.

Anm. Webmaster: siehe in PDF-Datei, Langzeituntersuchungen profhecht.htm
II Mensch 5-18 ; rus.htm und Krebsfälle in Spanien


Wäre das Handy ein Lebensmittel oder ein Medikament, wäre es längst vom Markt genommen!

Die biologischen Wirkungen weit unterhalb der gültigen Grenzwerte und der ausreichende Verdacht einer Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigung sind gegeben!


Signifikante DNA-Schäden

Vielen Dank Herr Dr. Kohl und Frau Merkel für die Baugesetze, die Sie vor Jahren unterzeichnet haben, über die die Gemeinden kein Mitspracherechte mehr haben. Danke auch an Herrn Schröder, der die Grenzwertdiskussion beendet und diese Angelegenheit zur Chefsache gemacht hatte.

Je länger eine Exposition andauert, desto größer ist die Schädigung.


siehe auch:

Alle Reflex-Berichte

Funk schädigt DNA

EU-Studie weist Genmutationen durch Strahlung nach


Regierung kann nicht mehr länger wegsehen

Schockierende EU Studie und Kommentar


Zusammenhang zwischen niederfrequenten Magnetfeldern und Brustkrebs

Eine norwegische Untersuchung Fall-Kontroll-Studie zeigt einen Zusammenhang zwischen niederfrequenten Magnetfelder und Brustkrebs: Die gefundenen Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, daß Frauen, die in der Nähe von Hochspannungsleitungen wohnen, ein erhöhtes Risiko zu haben an Brustkrebs zu erkranken.

Kliukiene J, Tynes T, Andersen A.:
Residential and Occupational Exposures to 50-Hz Magnetic Fields and Breast Cancer in Women: A Population-based Study, Am J Epidemiol. 2004 May 1;159(9):852-61.


Einfluss der Mobilfunkbelastung auf die Retikulocytenreifung


Vorläufige Ergebnisse der 2. Blutreihenuntersuchung in Neustadt - deutliche Blutbildveränderungen festgestellt


Neuer Ansatz zur Untersuchung des Phänomens Elektrosensibilität

Das Wittener Zentrum für Elektropathologie sucht nach einem neuen Forschungs-Ansatz
zur Erklärung des Phänomens der Elektrosensibilität und nimmt dafür die Mikrozirkulation der Haut unter die Lupe.


Mitteilung von Prof. Dr. Klitzing:

Betr.: Elektrosensibilität

Neuer Zündstoff für Diskussion über Handy-Gefahr

Elektromagnetische Wellen mit Handy-Intensität verursachten DNA-Veränderungen / Daten einer in-vitro-Studie


Mobilphone industry wants to stop publication of the REFLEX-Study

I have just talked to Adlkofer in Greece. He is very pessimistic now, because the Mobilphone industry wants to stop publication of the REFLEX report.

Die Mobilfunkindustrie will die Veröffentlichung der REFLEX-Studie verhindern

Ich habe gerade mit Adlkofer in Griechenland gesprochen. Er ist jetzt sehr pessimistisch, weil die Mobilfunkindustrie die Veröffentlichung der REFLEX-Studie verhindern will.

Sianette Kwee
siehe auch Prof. Kwee


Workshop on Biological Effects of EMF, Kos, Greece

Poland, as one of the countries that recently has joined the EU, has now to change their safety limits. Their original safety limits were much stricter than EU’s ICNIRP limits, so for them it is also a step backwards.

SAR is getting a growing number og opponents and is considered as useless by many. Actually it is based on electrical fields and not on magnetic fields. Proposals for other ways to measure and express exposure were proposed e.g. Poland (#A7:1-Trzaska H.).

Anm. von UMTSNO:
Prof. dr Szmigielski: Die Grenzwerte-Empfehlungen der Strahlenschutzkommission in Polen
werden erheblich niedriger ausfallen als die von ICNIRP

see also Prof. Szmigielski response


Sianette Kwee

siehe auch Prof. Kwee
siehe auch Does GSM 1800 MHz affect the public health in Sweden? (.pdf, ca.136 kB)

Association of mobile phone radiation with fatigue, headache, dizziness, tension and sleep disturbance in Saudi population
Thamir   Al-Khlaiwi,  Sultan  A.  Meo


Microwaves can damage DNA and increase risk of tumours, study shows


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